
Anonymous asked:

"Please don’t use male to female, it’s cissexist because it’s saying at one point you were/still are a male" what if I identified as a male before? I didn't know trans people existed and it was a thing, so until I knew it existed I was (technically) male, non?

idislikecispeople answered:

No, you were always your gender identity whenever you found out what it was. 

Though I suppose you can look at it your own way, just know it’s cissexist and basically misgendering yourself. If you would wish to state this in a less problematic, just say that you were assigned/designated x gender at birth, like dmab/amab.



your technically never truly anything but what you were born as, you cant change your chromosome, and whats on the out side doesn’t change that the only true purpose of gender and sex organs is reproduction. the rest s superficial, so why care so much about it?

You do realize that cis men can have XX chromosomes and cis women can have XY chromosomes right

There are people with XXY or XYY chromosomes too, and no one really knows what chromosomes they have unless they have a specific test done to find out their actual chromosomes. I love it when cis people pull this shit out of their pocket.

"the only true purpose of gender and sex organs is reproduction"

Gender =/= sex, and not every cis person can reproduce. What comes of the people who can’t reproduce? What are they? Are they less than human? Because the way you worded your poor response, it seems that if people can’t reproduce then they’re less than that of a human, as it is every human’s “job” to repopulate our planet.

no that means they are broken, but lucky people are so abundant like fucking parasites we just ignore the reality of nature and fuck off doing stupid shit all our lives and occasionally pop kids out. So you don’t have to function on that level to find purpose in life. 

those are all genetic mutation and forms of hermaphrodites, all of which are relatively uncommon.Still doesn’t  matter because your all less focused on the true nature of gender which is purely reproduction. the rest is attached by culture and other superficial things. your not a girl because you like dresses and make up. your not a boy because you drive trucks and play football. Your female because you function as the carrier for the baby in reproduction, your a guy if you don’t.

Job… i assume you mean purpose. Purpose is a construct of perception. we are animals so the most solid purpose we can have is the perpetuation of our species, otherwise we die off and all other purposes become irrelevant , humanity just got to the point in which we are so good at that that we can go fuck off and come up with some other superficial purpose. 

Read up on existentialism, and you will understand why your existence will never truly mean anything, no ones will. So stop caring about everyone else be you and let them be them. right and wrong exist exclusively within personal perception. 

your as bad as the people trying to disprove evolution with the 2nd Law of thermodynamics



When people say that my pronouns are made up, think of this:

At one point in time, “she/her” and “he/him” were also made up pronouns too.

irregardless the otherkin pronouns are stupid, if ou identify with cats or dogs or any animal you sill have  male and female in both species so the he/she pronouns still apply. as for those of you who identify with inanimate non-living creatures< it its an its self are the non gender pronouns. 

Basically it amounts to all of you trying to hard to be unique and make your own pronouns, but pronouns are general terms not nouns or proper nouns. So you take language shit on it for the sake of being individual and separating yourself from the mass, then bitch because they wont accept you because you chose to diverge from they’re way of life.

If you want to be different, make shit up and act against the norm, don’t complain when they stop liking you, that’s how social systems work. YOu cant deviate and still be accepted, ot if your throwing your deviations in everyone’s face.


Anonymous asked:

"Please don’t use male to female, it’s cissexist because it’s saying at one point you were/still are a male" what if I identified as a male before? I didn't know trans people existed and it was a thing, so until I knew it existed I was (technically) male, non?

idislikecispeople answered:

No, you were always your gender identity whenever you found out what it was. 

Though I suppose you can look at it your own way, just know it’s cissexist and basically misgendering yourself. If you would wish to state this in a less problematic, just say that you were assigned/designated x gender at birth, like dmab/amab.

your technically never truly anything but what you were born as, you cant change your chromosome, and whats on the out side doesn’t change that the only true purpose of gender and sex organs is reproduction. the rest s superficial, so why care so much about it?






  • AAVE (african American Vernacular English)
  • "Otherkin"
  • Nigga
  • "Spirit Animal"
  • "Totem"
  • Henna
  • Bindis
  • Saris
  • Harajuku Fashion
  • Geisha
  • Samurai
  • Soul Food
  • Korean Pop

Anything that isn’t wonder bread, crackers, mayonnaise,…

Ironic how OP is a black most likely American or European and their profile is plastered in asian culture, and asian language. so much for “CULTURAL APPROPRIATION IS BAD”

nice try op, but you didnt try enough


Wanted to point out that “spirit animals” were something almost every tribal society fucked with, like vikings, who were white. 

Also, Nigga is derived from negro which is spanish. 


you shooud read more into these statements. then you might better understand why half the shit you say is moronic.

there are two absolution in the world 

consumption and death.

rights, morals, faith, equality Social structures political structures, money values Etc. they serve one true purpose, Superficial filler for all the time while you are alive because 80 years gets boring. 



hey quick question to all the white people sending us “youre whats keeping racism alive” asks, do you send those to the neonazis or kkk members on this website too or do you only care about racism when PoC speak out against it? -Donya

or I shot it down regardless of who spouts it off, and you were the fucker i caught first. 

now i go bitch at the kkk and nazis


foreverai asked:

It seems to me that white people don't understand cultural appropriation through clothing because they don't have clothing that holds any special meaning? Especially the whites in 'murica.

whitepeoplesaidwhat answered:

Sure they do. They have white, pointy-hooded robes.








What do black people have besides rap, twerking and lip plates? White people do have cultural clothing that have meaning. We were so stupid to allow diversity, most white people now days forget their culture. Especially in the US! 

White Cultureimage

Black Culture


Absolutely destroyed, wpsw. 

white culture:


Black culture:


So explain how your two over-generalizing gifs validate your already racist and idiotic opinion 


so gif one of a white woman performing a primarily urban black cultural trend. 

gif two is a black woman performing Ballet, a for of dance that originated in France, created and performed by white people making it white cultural regardless of the ethnicity of the person performing it. Its about where it originated now someone should add African tribal dances for black culture. 

And please the dumb-ass who calls me racist for pointing out that African tribalism is originally black culture.

My point was that the “white culture”/”black culture” gifs were over generalizations, that the terms “white culture”/black culture are too broad, and that dances, unless used in culturally significant ceremonies, aren’t able to be appropriated.

If that was the case only France people would be able to perform ballet (although someone earlier responded and told me it originated in Russia, which would mean only Russians or Eurasian people could do it) and only Black Americans would be able to do American urban dances like twerking or any hip hop styled dances, which despite what many black people would have you think isn’t really cultural appropriation(It has more to do with black Americans being unaccredited or belittled for trends that they start but that’s a different subject).

Twerking and Ballet are just like Salsa, Belly Dancing, Ballroom, and Contemporary dancing and can be openly practiced by someones no matter their origin.

Even if they were there are African or Black French/Russian people exist as well as White Americans so it’s still stands that ballet doesn’t just belongs to white people or vice versa.

Also Black American Culture is not the same as African Culture just like White American Culture is not the same as European Culture (which is another broad statement because Europe and Africa are continents made of 100+ countries and cultures) 

Do you fucking culture. Seriously.

Your so fucking stupid I’m not going to humor you with a fucking explanation as to why.

Seriously no one on this website has any fucking sense, its like you make shit up to fucking fit your needs