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[–]leSwede420 [非表示スコア]

Nearly every European citizen that is older than 20-30 has grandparents who were one way or the other affected by WWII

WTF!!! You had grandparents affected by a war. Big fucking deal. So do Americans and not only that, Americans have seen actual war with their own eyes. Millions of them.

What you wrote was without a doubt the most stupid thing ever written on reddit. You should win some award.

[–]Cold...Restrider [非表示スコア]

Seems you misunderstood what I meant. Everyone in Europe was somehow involved. The millions of dead soldiers and civilians (in the tens of millions compared to the 0.5 million US casualties), the cities lying in ruins and devestated. That being followed by huge migratory movements throughout the continent and the uncertainty of the future. Of course that is only what todays youth are being told be their elders.

But if you choose to listen to them, in my view it overshadows the stories of veterans coming back from recent wars (without belittling their experiences) - which there are also soldiers from other NATO member states coming back from Afghanistan, Balkan, Iraq etc.

So, since there was no total war in the US, no it is not the same.

[–]leSwede420 [非表示スコア]

Everyone in Europe was somehow involved

No, not everyone.

Especially not you or anyone near your age. You've never come close to seeing war and millions of American have seen it first hand. Their families and friends have had to deal with it while all you have are pictures and stories from old people. With allies like you who needs enemies.

[–]ScotlandSiluxoj [非表示スコア]

Are you actually delusional? With the Balkan wars 20 years ago, numerous border clashes in the Caucasus, including the Georgian war 6 years ago, war is still real for many people.

[–]leSwede420 [非表示スコア]

With the Balkan wars 20 years ago

Scotland played a major part in that? No, but America did.

numerous border clashes in the Caucasus

I don't see anyone from the Caucasus making the claims that Americans know nothing about war. Only citizens of nations that have been sitting on the sidelines of history for the past few decades.

war is still real for many people.

Not for any of you.

[–]ScotlandSiluxoj [非表示スコア]

I didn't claim I ever did. I never once said "I" or referred to myself. Piss off, you fucking troll.

[–]leSwede420 [非表示スコア]

Threaded comments are hard. It helps to start at the beginning.

[–]ScotlandSiluxoj [非表示スコア]

Name once where I said the people of Scotland suffered war. I said the BALKANS and the CAUCASUS and GEROGIA, not SCOTLAND. Do I have to spell it out for you? Making claims that Europeans are ignorant of warfare when in many areas war was only a few years ago, is just silly. Europe doesn't end at Germany you know.

[–]leSwede420 [非表示スコア]

Lets just cut through the BS. The above poster is claiming that modern Americans know nothing about what war is like and haven't suffered from it at all. He is claiming modern Europeans including Scots and Germans have had war impact their lives to a much bigger degree because of WWII. Do you agree?

I'm saying the fact that millions of Americans have actually been to war, been killed, attacked etc might give Americans a better understanding of the realities.

[–]Cold...Restrider [非表示スコア]

This is especially hilarious considering this thread is about the current conflict about Ucraine, which happens to be in Europe.

[–]leSwede420 [非表示スコア]

How many troops from your country have died in Ukraine? How many people do you know who have died in the fighting? Do you need to see a doctors for all of this? Still have all your limbs?

[–]The NetherlandsFlyingChainsaw [非表示スコア]

What you wrote was without a doubt the most stupid thing ever written on reddit. You should win some award.

Oh the irony.

[–]leSwede420 [非表示スコア]

"Muh grandaddy told me bout when he helped the nazis round up jews, I know all about war!"


[–]The NetherlandsFlyingChainsaw [非表示スコア]

"Ma grandpa flew a plane over Europe once, almost saw a dead guy he did!"

See, it's not true, but two can play this game. Europe saw so many more casualties than the US, it's a different order of magnitude.

You fought in the war, we lived it. The US has never fought a war in their own streets, with their own citizens being rounded up and systematically murdered, with their own families starving under the rule of an invading force. Hostile soldiers patrolling the streets shooting or imprisoning anyone who breaks curfew or even looks suspicious, every single one of your oh-so-valued rights and freedoms systematically taken away.
Comparing the US casualties to the suffering of the entire European continent is ridiculous, and you should know better.

[–]leSwede420 [非表示スコア]

urope saw so many more casualties than the US, it's a different order of magnitude.

You saw zero.

You fought in the war, we lived it.

You did not, you weren't even born yet.

Americans have been living war, you've been reading about it.

with their own citizens being rounded up and systematically murdered, with their own families starving under the rule of an invading force

Are you also going to go on about WWI? How about ancient Rome, your ancestors fought in their wars too. But like WWII, you didn't see shit.

Comparing the US casualties to the suffering of the entire European continent is ridiculous, and you should know better.

You didn't suffer at all. Americans know a lot more about actual war than you do because they've lived it to this day.

This is the comment that started this.

The american public has never had a taste of real war.

Bullshit, they've had a lot of it.

You're saying that reading a history book is equal to being in a foxhole in Afghanistan is laughable and insulting.

[–]The NetherlandsFlyingChainsaw [非表示スコア]

Americans have been living war, you've been reading about it.

Americans have been living war my ass. Just because you worship your military doesn't mean you get to say you lived the horrors of war. Real war isn't a war fought thousand of miles away, with the only result of a loss being the loss of human lives. If your soldiers in Afghanistan perish then yes, it's an absolutely terrible loss of life, but that's it. The American citizens have no stakes in Afghanistan, in Iraq, or anywhere else. I'll repeat what I said earlier: Americans haven't fought a real war on their own streets. The Civil war was the last conflict on US soil, and even that was without danger to the nation: whatever side won, the United States as a country would still live on.

[–]leSwede420 [非表示スコア]

Americans have been living war my ass.

Millions of Vets and their friends and families would disagree.

Just because you worship your military doesn't mean you get to say you lived the horrors of war.

European logic. Sure you've been to war several times and seen all that goes with it, but my grandpa had some crazy stories. FlyingChainsaw, do you need treatment for your PTSD? Is it difficult to adjust to normal life after being on the frontlines for so long?

The American citizens have no stakes in Afghanistan, in Iraq, or anywhere else.

Yeah aside from American being the troops and all their friends families etc. A little more tangible than bullshit stories from grandpa.

The Civil war was the last conflict on US soil, and even that was without danger to the nation: whatever side won, the United States as a country would still live on.

Yeah, no, that's the point of the civil war but I'm not here to educate you.

[–]The NetherlandsFlyingChainsaw [非表示スコア]

I'm not here to educate you.

Feeling Tumblr'y today?

The American citizens have no stakes in Afghanistan, in Iraq, or anywhere else.

Yeah aside from American being the troops and all their friends families etc. A little more tangible than bullshit stories from grandpa.

If you're not going to read my post, please don't bother responding.

Americans have been living war my ass.

Millions of Vets and their friends and families would disagree.

This again boils down to my point of that being a completely different kind of war.

Oh and your "millions of vets and their friends"? A total of ~7,000 soldiers have (regrettably) died during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. Assuming they all had, say 10 close friends and family members who were all truly scarred by their deaths, that's 70,000 people over 13 years.

But let's go a little further and count all the wounded soldiers as well: 57,614 in total, plus 2 who went missing = 57,616 soldiers were damaged over those 13 years. 57,616*10 = 576,160 people (hardly "millions", is it?) who were hurt over the 13 years, over a population of 320 million.
And number is still very generous considering the friends of the guy who got sent home on a broken limb aren't exactly scarred for life either.

[–]Cold...Restrider [非表示スコア]

Seems you lack the will to understand the distinction between participating in a war as volunteer out of pride for you own country or a special sense of duty vs. participating in a war as civilian or conscript (which is also still a reality in Europe) and fighting in your front yard losing your home.

I'm not trying to diminish the achievements and also the injuries people suffer in a war, but having somewhere to go to after the war, a home, is still something the US has always had.

[–]leSwede420 [非表示スコア]

Seems like you realize your original point was shit and you're trying to backpedal. The fact is the American public knows a hell of a lot more about war than you do.

a home is still something the US has always had.

Yeah and you've never had to worry about the first part. Mostly thanks to troops being stationed in your country for decades to help keep the Russians at bay. People like you are the best example of why Americans should want to end NATO. It takes a lot of balls to bash America for being a "war-like" country that never stops fighting war one second and the next say, "Americans don't know anything about what war is like."

Do you need help for your PTSD? Since war has impacted your life so hard? Do you also use a wheelchair?