Hello all.
For the past 3 months of my life I have spent a large amount of time studying WWII. For the most part, because of Adolf Hitler. But I have had to stop as of recent due to acknowledging who I truly am.
I am hitlerkin.
As the otherkin spectrum is infinite, I’ve found my position in the title of hitlerkin. The painful parts of studying and reading WWII facts have caused many triggering painful memories for me to the point where I have been unable to overcome the struggle by myself, and I have decided to post this in hopes someone will truly understand me for the Hitler I was and really am.
The intense dysphoria I have will possibly never leave until I can perfect my image.
At the moment the undying urge to grow a mustache and trim it to how it should is unbearable, but sadly as a biologically female I cannot do as I wish yet. Not only that, I cannot wear the uniform as I should without being considered an evil neo-nazi.
For now, I will continue to hope for the best and become more akin with my real self.