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New to Islam? Here is some good introductory information!
Moderation Policy
Be kind, respectful, and sincere. Please feel free to ask any questions, engage us in positive intellectual discourse, and just hang around :)
We do not tolerate trolling, disrespect, or comments that incite others based on difference of belief.
Users who post questions regarding the religion on a specific topic should not have their threads derailed or be proselytized about other beliefs.
We do not allow cross posting and NSFW/NSFL posts for various reasons.
Or else you will be banned.
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We play games and have fun, and yes, we are all Diamond I in League of Legends.
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Feel free to ask whatever question you like, just please be respectful!
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[–]salawm 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント
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[–]AhmadiMuslim -5 ポイント-4 ポイント-3 ポイント
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