There is no “but” after “I’m pro choice.” You cannot be conditionally pro-choice. No matter the pregnant person’s age, lifestyle, how they got pregnant, how many abortions they’ve already had, whether or not you would get an abortion, it is irrelevant. Either you 100% support a pregnant person’s right to make their own reproductive decisions, or you’re NOT pro-choice.
i understand what you’re trying to say but the fact of the matter is that abortion is a big choice and not something that should be taken lightly, ever. so when i say i’m pro-choice, but…i think people should make responsible decisions about their pregnancy regardless of whether they decide to have the child or abort the fetus, i think i’m perfectly justified in saying that. don’t make broad, childish posts like this if you expect people to take you seriously.
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Misandry-Mermaid is the most catty, bigoted, belittling person I’ve ever seen. It’s actually disgusting.
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sounds about right… *sigh* TUMBLR IS A BREEDING GROUND FOR HATE OF ALL TYPES. EDIT: I mean I for one am Pro Choice, but...
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Advocating safe sex is anti pro choice now???
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Fucking stupid. Abortion is a complicated matter and a *choice* that people can make. I can say I am pro-choice, but I...
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