I swear I didn't do it.


Apparently some people think I'm funny.


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Yesterday a 17 year female, who attends Lancaster High School in California, was beaten by a football player, on school grounds, for being gay. After receiving over a dozen blows to her jaw, head, eye and head, all he received was a 5 day suspension by the Lancaster School District. She suffered from a fractured jaw and multiple concussions to the head and the Deputy Sheriff advised her mother to re-think her wanting to file charges against the football player because her daughter pushed him back. The school ended up documenting “assault” charges on the victims school file, NOT the football players!!! To make things worse, the Deputy Sheriff warned the victim, by saying, “Just so you know, if you file charges against him, I’m taking his side.” We’re attempting to raise awareness and bring this story to light because Lancaster High School is trying to sweep this “Hate Crime” under the rug!



Reblog if you care and please forward to everyone you know. P.S. CBS, KCAL 9 news are running the story tomorrow at 10pm.


Alright, gotta get this out. 

One, this was in September of 2012. 2 years ago.

Two, that story is blown wayyyy out of proportion. Here is the actual Police Report, compiled from eyewitness accounts from both students and school personnel. 

Shortly after noon on Tuesday, September 25, 2012, a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy who is assigned as a School Resource Deputy at Lancaster High School (located at 44701 32nd Street West, Lancaster) was on campus when he heard about a fight near the cafeteria area.

The deputy immediately went to the cafeteria area and saw a large group of students. School security was detaining at least two students.

School security personnel told the deputy that the two students had been fighting so the deputy began an investigation into the incident.

The investigation, which included talking to many student witnesses, revealed that the two students had been part of a large group of students who were all standing in a lunch line in the cafeteria area.

The 15-year old male student (suspect/victim) had complained to a female student about her cutting into the line, instead of waiting.

A 17-year old female student (suspect/victim) who was standing nearby, heard the 15-year old telling the female student not to cut into line. The 17-year old female rushed over to the 15-year old male and pushed his chest, causing him to fall back and strike his back against a metal handrail. Believing he had just been pushed by a male student, the 15-year old punched the 17-year old in the face. The two students then exchanged several punches until the fight was broken up by school security.

Both the 15-year old male student and 17-year old female student were arrested by the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station deputy for fighting on school grounds, a “mutual combat” misdemeanor battery, 243.2 of the California Penal Code.

The deputy reported that the 15-year old did not appear injured and the 17-year old received a small laceration to her lip. Both refused medical treatment at the school.

The deputy immediately notified the parents of both of the students, and released each of them to the custody of the parents.

Both students were suspended by the school.

The guy punched the girl thinking that she was a guy. He backed off after he realized who he punched.

So no, don’t signal boost some 2 year old falsified story because it makes you feel good without doing at least some proper research for 2 minutes. 

[http://local.nixle.com/alert/4892409/]  <—- Police report

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