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[–]Kreative_Katusha -7 ポイント-6 ポイント

You are certain the holocaust did happen so this subreddit is irrelevant irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. The evidence for the holocaust is said to be overwhelming so it should not matter who questions it right?

My main issue is that as soon you question it, you get attacked. You get called, pathetic, loser, and crazy.

"But you said the evidence for the holocaust is formidable."

Why are you so rustled?

Why is it illegal to ask this questions being European citizens?

Thruth does not fear investigation.

Why such fear against holocaust investigation?

[–]Hicut92[S] 12 ポイント13 ポイント

Let's not put words in my mouth, I'm not 'fearful' at all of holocaust 'investigation'. No idea where that came from.

But why would people be 'rustled' at such a belief? Because from what I've seen and heard from most deniers is that they vehemently deny anything happened, trivialising and mocking the suffering that people experienced. I've seen survivors, people that have lost friends and family, and I can't imagine how they'd feel if people such as yourself went up to them and said "What you experienced never happened, the people you've lost never existed, you're exaggerating the whole thing"

People have the freedom to believe what they will, but that doesn't mean such beliefs aren't wrong, misguided and hurtful.