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A subreddit to discuss "the Holocaust" and its effect on the world today.
Holocaust Handbooks
The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes
Hoax of the Twentieth Century
Other subreddits you might like:
Holocaust discussion elsewhere on reddit.
This is a joke sub right? (self.holocaust)
Hicut92 が 10 時間 前 * 投稿
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[–]Kreative_Katusha -7 ポイント-6 ポイント-5 ポイント 7 時間 前
You are certain the holocaust did happen so this subreddit is irrelevant irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. The evidence for the holocaust is said to be overwhelming so it should not matter who questions it right?
My main issue is that as soon you question it, you get attacked. You get called, pathetic, loser, and crazy.
"But you said the evidence for the holocaust is formidable."
Why are you so rustled?
Why is it illegal to ask this questions being European citizens?
Thruth does not fear investigation.
Why such fear against holocaust investigation?
[–]Hicut92[S] 12 ポイント13 ポイント14 ポイント 7 時間 前
Let's not put words in my mouth, I'm not 'fearful' at all of holocaust 'investigation'. No idea where that came from.
But why would people be 'rustled' at such a belief? Because from what I've seen and heard from most deniers is that they vehemently deny anything happened, trivialising and mocking the suffering that people experienced. I've seen survivors, people that have lost friends and family, and I can't imagine how they'd feel if people such as yourself went up to them and said "What you experienced never happened, the people you've lost never existed, you're exaggerating the whole thing"
People have the freedom to believe what they will, but that doesn't mean such beliefs aren't wrong, misguided and hurtful.
[–]foooow -7 ポイント-6 ポイント-5 ポイント 7 時間 前*
Because from what I've seen and heard from most deniers is that they vehemently deny anything happened, trivialising and mocking the suffering that people experienced.
where have you seen this on this sub? No one does this.
I've seen survivors, people that have lost friends and family, and I can't imagine how they'd feel if people such as yourself went up to them and said "What you experienced never happened, the people you've lost never existed, you're exaggerating the whole thing"
Our families also went through WWII. We also lost grandfathers, uncles in the war. This doesn't mean that the Holocaust is not war propaganda.
People have the freedom to believe what they will, but that doesn't mean such beliefs aren't [..] hurtful.
This is the crux of your argument. "my feelings are hurt".
Historical accuracy doesn't care if your feelings are hurt. How many people care if the feelings of the European settlers are hurt when they talk about American indian genocide
[–]Hicut92[S] 7 ポイント8 ポイント9 ポイント 6 時間 前
No, my feelings aren't hurt, I personally have no relation to the holocaust.
But if I were a survivor, or a relative of one, I sure as hell would be hurt being told that the experiences I went through were exaggerated, that it didn't actually happen, and my suffering or my families suffering was nothing more than 'propoganda'.
I find it hilarious a holocaust denier is trying to tell me about historical accuracy.
[–]foooow -12 ポイント-11 ポイント-10 ポイント 6 時間 前
being told that the experiences I went through
No one who allegedly went to a gas chamber survived. So how could they be hurt if told that the gas chambers are a propaganda lie?
If they survived it's clear they never went to a gas chamber..
You must be british or australian (british-reject) to be this dumb.
[–]Hicut92[S] 10 ポイント11 ポイント12 ポイント 6 時間 前
"Have no actual argument? Just insult OP! Ol' faithful!"
If being British or Australian means I don't revel in the shit this sub provides, then I'm proud to be one.
[–]foooow -6 ポイント-5 ポイント-4 ポイント 6 時間 前
didn't you insult me in the post beforehand? Isn't your OP just an insult to everyone on this board?
Why are you crying because I called you dumb for saying that people survived the gas chambers?
[–]Hicut92[S] 4 ポイント5 ポイント6 ポイント 6 時間 前
No tears here mate! But feel free to think that if it makes you feel better!
You're right, this whole post probably is insulting to the subscribers of this sub, simply because I cannot fathom how people could think like this.
Why are you putting words in my mouth? I never said people survived gas chambers?
You do know those affected by the holocaust wasn't just bound to those unfortunate enough to step foot in a gas chamber right? Shit, all you have to do is Google holocaust survivors and you'll find a mass of individuals lucky enough to survive.
[–]glucklich_kaufman -2 ポイント-1 ポイント0 ポイント 6 時間 前
A huge part of holocaust mythology is gas chamber survivors; if you deny that there are people who survived being gassed you are literally a nazi.
[–]foooow -4 ポイント-3 ポイント-2 ポイント 6 時間 前
yes you did. You said that we were "denying what they went through". Are you now saying that the holocaust isn't about gas chambers? You sure you aren't a denier yourself, mate?
[–]_watching 2 ポイント3 ポイント4 ポイント 4 時間 前
Jfc not every person in the concentration camps went into the gas chambers. He's very clearly referencing the people who didn't get gassed.
Are holocaust deniers this stupid?
[–]Swazimoto 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント 2 時間 前
The holocaust has never once been referenced, except by you, to be all about gas chambers
[–]Dahoodlife101 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント 36 分 前
... you do realize that many people had friends and family who went to the gas chambers, right?
[–]Kreative_Katusha -6 ポイント-5 ポイント-4 ポイント 6 時間 前
It is not about putting words in your mouth or you being fearful.
The jewish controlled European lawmakers are the ones fearful of investiagion. They made it illegal to ask questions about the alleged holocaust.
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[–]Kreative_Katusha -7 ポイント-6 ポイント-5 ポイント
[–]Hicut92[S] 12 ポイント13 ポイント14 ポイント