
Look when people suggest (or outright state) that lesbian and gay men occupy the same sort of privileged space in LGBT spaces it does confuse me.

One possible theory I have is that you don’t think misogyny is a serious problem in LGBT spaces which is terrifying.

The other possible theory is that you don’t think that lesbians face misogyny which is also terrifying. 

I think a huge source of this problem is that the general public focuses on (white) gay men. The entire fight against homophobia has been centered on the plight of the gay man. Lesbians are mostly seen as an addition—the other homosexuals. And people believe that erasing homophobia would automatically benefit lesbians, too. 

That assumption is false.

Lesbophobia is not mainly homophobia. This can be easily proven by looking at anti-gay laws through history, most of which did not and do not explicitely target lesbians. And why?

Lesbophobia is misogyny—to patriarchy it is unthinkable (!) that not all women love men. As women we are not targeted the same way gay men are targeted. Gay men are targeted and persecuted as traitors to mankind (there own kind; and thus they’re punished by the law of man). Lesbians are targeted as subhumans (and thus forced into submission with physical and emotional violence; no law required).

I’m entirely over the label debate and the question of “representation” and “visibility”. Racism, misogyny, homophobia. If your analysis ignores those, I’m ignoring you.

(Reblogged from redhester)


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    And this is an attitude that is REALLY filling up Tumblr these days, and it scares the fuck out of me. Lesbians may have...
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