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I've inherited an old PC from my girlfriend's dad and when setting up the printer I got a bit of a surprise:

Toaster keyboard

Two questions spring to mind here:

  1. Why does Windows think my wireless keyboard is a toaster?
  2. Why does Windows even have an icon for a toaster in the devices menu?
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Can you please add the model name of the keyboard? –  A.L 1 hour ago
I thought this was a hoax at first. Nope, just Microsoft. –  Josh 51 secs ago

1 Answer 1

up vote 323 down vote accepted

Reason 1

Because Microsoft made a toaster drive sample. In the sample there is the line <DeviceIconFile>Toaster.ico</DeviceIconFile> and there is a chance that your keyboard manufacturer took that sample.

Reason 2

Look at the back of the keyboard and look for some place to insert a slice of bread...

share|improve this answer
Now that you mention it there is a bread slot! So I'm guessing they've just copy-pasted the XML and forgot to change the icon? Still pretty bizarre. –  ydaetskcoR 5 hours ago
@ydaetskcoR As you can see from the icon, the toaster brand is indeed Fabrikam (i.e. a fictional company). –  and31415 4 hours ago
The keyboard driver developer was probably using this toaster example as a template and forgot to replace the icon. –  Ido.Co 2 hours ago
You push down levers and stuff comes out. It's a kind of toaster, right? Especially if you use it for your bread and butter. –  Dan Esparza 1 hour ago
I tried to put bread in my computer's cup-holder once, but it just made weird spinning/grinding noises and gave an "Cannot read CD" error. –  CaptainCodeman 51 mins ago

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