Audiophile Life

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white nonsense - the top 10 hits

When you write about race, the feedback and messages white people send you ends up being the same. They all have the same tired retorts. They desperately need to get new material.

Here are the top 10 hits of white nonsense. There are many more examples, but these are the top 10 imo.

1. Not all white people. These people need a disclaimer for life. They need you to say “not all” at all times. Imagine if you went through life saying “not all” for everything. Person 1 “My daughter is afraid of dogs after the neighbor’s dog attacked her.” Person 2 “Not all dogs attack!”

2. What about Chicago? This is the latest diversionary tactic of white people in the US. Suddenly they care about Black lives in Chicago. Just Chicago btw…lol

3. It happened so long ago. White people are still talking about Roman gladiators and ancient Greek battles, but talk about Jim Crow laws (that ended in 1965!), then all of a sudden, you’re talking about shit older than Adam and Eve…lol

4. What about the Irish? What about them? What does anything about the plight of the Irish have to do with Black people? Anytime you talk about the plight of Black people in the US, white people will bring up the Irish. Was it Black people who subjugated the Irish? I do know that Black people in the Americas have surnames like “O’Neal” etc because they had Irish slave masters. Runteldat.

5. It goes both ways. Deep down they don’t even believe this…lol

6. Every group of people did bad things. Alright, show me the group of people who circumnavigated the world bringing destruction, death, disease and an intent to subjugate the indigenous to take their wealth, natural resources and land. As I say this, you just know some fool is fixing to get in my inbox to tell me about how Eastern Europeans didn’t do what Western Europeans did. See point number 1 to understand this mentality.

7. Get over it. This is always said in frustration.

8. I didn’t own slaves. I have yet to come across anyone who has accused a white person of personally owning slaves in 2014, yet they will protest that they didn’t own slaves. They say they didn’t own slaves when no one accused them of it. Black person “I just read this great piece about the case for reparations in the Atlantic by Ta-Nehisi Coates. White person “I didn’t own slaves!”

9. What about reverse racism? This is a tacit admission on their part that racism is real. So much so that they believe racism against them is the reverse. They think racism should be directional and not against them of course. Regular racism against the darkies is fine, but they will take a stand against the reverse stuff. That’s just going too far. Don’t you know they’re white?

10. Quoting this from MLK Jr. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” To white people, this is the only thing MLK Jr. ever uttered in life. That is his entire body of work. Oh, and that he had a dream that black people would hold hands with white people one day. For white people in South Africa, you can substitute MLK Jr. with Nelson Mandela. According to white South Africans, Nelson Mandela’s sole purpose in life was to go around telling everyone to forgive white people. South Africa is a rainbow nation now. Yay!