August 4, 2014
Sounds boring

Sounds boring

4:23pm  |   URL:
Filed under: submission tagme 
  1. legalist217 reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  2. princessxpeachie said: Wow this is dumb
  3. tumble-her said: I’ll say
  4. the-fuck-was-i-thinking-when-i reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  5. thetrickstergoddess reblogged this from skipolas and added:
    my god
  6. hellhog reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  7. skipolas reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    "i think life is like a video game"
  8. hahaimusingtheinternetz reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    In other words, “I think transsexuality is a joke and I don’t have friends”
  9. abitdazedandconfused reblogged this from isthisafantasea
  10. iplemons said: What
  11. cuntfromhell reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  12. magusthepropagation reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  13. petefoxshend reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  14. i-dont-need-feminism reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    In order for your gender is the most important, defining part of your personality, you’d have to be a deathly boring...
  15. obviousissues reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  16. alendis reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  17. seriousbidnesstime said: they just had to make me not want to play tf2 ever again
  18. maximum-soccer-revenge reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    "the more trans I get" I thought being trans is an “either you are or you aren’t thing”, not some sort of scale.
  19. ramix-the-red reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  20. gothicneckbeard reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  21. sonvsmarz reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    They’re making it sound like being trans is evil and being cis is heroic. Being a little self deprecating, ain’t they?
  22. isthisafantasea reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice