Just a reminder
Killing white people is not murder. Its justice.
White women can’t be raped. Only the oppressed can be raped.
White women have no right to reject the advances of POC. STFU and put out.
Disagreement with this makes you unfit to live in modern society.
furryirl likes this
spacefluid reblogged this from fuckyeahdeadcrackers and added:
ok im not white, but this is really gross it gives me chills how did i even stumble upon a blog this awful
driftingsilently reblogged this from fuckyeahdeadcrackers and added:
Followers! Report for duty. Send that email.
tbdlczar likes this
alexsweatdotcom likes this
the-dragons-allegory reblogged this from feign-retreat
putmeincoach reblogged this from feign-retreat and added:
Yet being against affirmative action is cause for account termination in the mind of liberals. We have seen them for who...
jhnekozrockz reblogged this from bywayofpain
james-tiberius-kirk likes this
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the-freakish-atlantic reblogged this from fuckyeahdeadcrackers and added:
Tell those evil whites!
ukly-boy likes this
notjerrybeans reblogged this from ethically-wrong and added:
Sick piece of shit.
tunte likes this
pinchbutt likes this
aheatforlove likes this
ethically-wrong likes this
overdose-on-energy-drinks reblogged this from ethically-wrong and added:
Ignore this, bro. It’s a troll blog.
ethically-wrong reblogged this from fuckyeahdeadcrackers and added:
Agreeing with this makes you unfit for society.
lick-my-nipple reblogged this from primal-fears
humanphobicwolf likes this
wanderlustdemon likes this
death-cab-for-sydney reblogged this from primal-fears and added:
Okay what the fuck. No, none of those things are true or are in any way acceptable whatsoever. Just because someone is...
primal-fears reblogged this from dile-cta
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ishadoesntspeakfrench reblogged this from whendidyoustartdriftingaway
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dile-cta reblogged this from twentyonescreens
badbloodrecords reblogged this from twentyonescreens
twentyonescreens reblogged this from aswintheantifeminist and added:
You’re both embarrassments to humanity, just from different sides.
korellasan reblogged this from thep1key
king-gringo likes this
whendidyoustartdriftingaway reblogged this from aswintheantifeminist
whendidyoustartdriftingaway likes this
aswintheantifeminist reblogged this from king-gringo and added:
Sickening. And people on here call ME an embarrassment to humanity.
drejofvalenwood reblogged this from fuckyeahdeadcrackers and added:
Hey, just going to leave this hear while I call the fucking FBI…
sneerdeer likes this
thewhimsicalscatterbrain reblogged this from fuckyeahdeadcrackers
vontacompton reblogged this from fuckyeahdeadcrackers and added:
"Not encouraging violence".Calls the murder of white people justice, and rape okay as long as the victim is white.
kirkendauhl reblogged this from fuckyeahdeadcrackers
88-red-balloons reblogged this from dismantle-me-down--repair and added:
dismantle-me-down—repair: just report them in an email to abuse@tumblr.com
official-texan reblogged this from immortalnobody
feign-retreat reblogged this from aggressive-opposition and added:
How does this stay on tumblr? The URL should be enough for the termination of the blog. But honestly with a URL like,...
morbid-macabre likes this
nolongerwhole reblogged this from dismantle-me-down--repair
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hominishostilis reblogged this from bywayofpain and added:
Report this steaming pile of shit.
nosvertu likes this
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