• self diagnosis does NOT contribute to mental illness stigma.
  • self diagnosis is NOT the same thing as ableism
  • self diagnosis does NOT make your institutional diagnosis less valid
  • your diagnosis is NOT a club where you get to police who is allowed to be a member

The bottom line is: mental illness does not only exist within the institution of psychiatry. If you have a diagnosis from a psychiatrist, that is a privilege.

  1. dynast3 reblogged this from queendarthzannah
  2. perksofbeingaqueermo reblogged this from queendarthzannah and added:
    THIS. So frustrating reading through the self diagnosis tag, and seeing so many anti self dx sentiments. Self diagnosis...
  3. stonedforzaynn reblogged this from plupluru
  4. woodland-kiss reblogged this from curiousplantkin and added:
    Self diagnose all you want, just self diagnose the right thing that’s wrong with you. Aka, not PTSD
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  14. youareallanimals reblogged this from specialsnowflakesanonymous and added:
    "No see when I pretend to have a mental illness for special snowflake points on tumblr that means I’m actually MORE...
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    I recently self diagnosed myself on an illness (in my case, not a mental health one). I knew what it was but, to be...
  23. themountainwillmove reblogged this from warrioromen and added:
    Agreed with bottom comment.
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emily. 24. white. cis. she/her. ocd. dermatillomania.

elsa. remember me. pacific rim. rhonda rousey. sailor moon. & bikes.

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