全ての 8 コメント

[–]peaches-in-heck 11 ポイント12 ポイント

Barney Frank...appalled by lying....

The same guy who had his prostitute lover running a brothel out of his DC condo in the early 90s?

The same guy who, in 2008, let his boyfriend go to jail and face charges for growing pot and said from the front porch that he would not recognize the plants because "he is not a great outdoorsman" and "would not recognize most plants."...but then in 2013 claimed on HBO that he's a "pot smoking atheist?

That Barney Frank?

[–]yzass[S] 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Yup! That Barney Frank! :D

[–]peaches-in-heck 4 ポイント5 ポイント

thanks for clarifying :oP

[–]DranoshSoCon, FinCon, antistatist, anti"equality" 1 ポイント2 ポイント

One does not identify pot by sight, one only needs to smell the smell of skunk and wasted potential

[–]propshaftRadical Redneck 6 ポイント7 ポイント

A recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that Obamacare continues to be widely misunderstood ( by the people who wrote and forced it upon this nation ), with a majority of Americans unaware that the law allows consumers to choose between different private sector health plans ( just like they could before, only now with government interference jacking the prices ever higher ) . Lying about how the consumer protection standards would function, Frank said, created an unnecessary circus around a program that would help ( he really meant to say 'FORCE' ) people get better coverage ( meaning coverage they may not need and do not want ).

[–]tallcady 4 ポイント5 ポイント

The barney frank who had a huge gay drug party at his house and was not not arrested???? And knew nothing about it???

[–]Mybrainmelts 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Barney Frank, the token liberal? holy shit.