"Feminism has just become about hating men!"
Every single man I have ever seen say this usually uses it as an argument against women speaking out about their experiences. "I agree with the ideas, but hating men is not okay!" If you do not support a woman’s right to rebel against and call out her abusers, you are not a feminist.
The absolute truth is that some women do hate men. And those women that have endured lifelong oppression have absolutely every right to. Women have every right to hate the very oppressors who not only impose these abuses on them, but even go as far as to make fun of them for speaking out or actively harassing them for voicing their opinions and experiences. Women have absolutely every right to hate the men who raped them, who abused them, who make fun of their assaults, who manipulate them for their own sexual gain and needs, who impose legislature upon them that strips them of their bodily autonomy, who speak over them in their own spaces, who co-opted a movement that was created by women for women to speak about what they go through, who cat-call them, who tell women what they can and can’t do, and who even accuse them of instigating the very tragedies that they endure.
It is very clear from mainstream narratives that men have internalized feelings of hatred towards women, whether it be through the jokes that they make or the simple way that women are treated in the media. Just think all all the stereotypes that men have about women, how we are nagging, annoying, talkative, weak, etc. Men are allowed to go on about how horrible “slutty” or “crazy” women are. Men are allowed to hate women for no other reason than that they don’t have their desires filled by them.
Women are allowed to hate their abusers. Women are allowed to speak out against their abusers. If you see it more important to defend the hurt feelings of the very people who cause this than the legitimate deep and painful emotions that women have endured at their hands, you don’t have the slightest clue as to what feminism is about. - fagetnomi reblogged this from bellelabun
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