1. People keep on calling me anti science but I don’t have a problem with the empirical method and science itself and the tech we can get from it. I have a problem with the oppressive structures that use science as a tool, that have poisoned it.

    There’s a lot of eugenics and economic oppression and racism and sexism and transmisogyny and anti intersex hatred built into a lot of science’s methodology (peer review for instance is hurt by the fact that science’s bigotries keep a lot of real smarties out of it). Science gained a lot of medical knowledge by literally torturing people that weren’t seen as human. These things are all things you can’t ignore.

    I love what science could’ve been, knowledge and exploration, creation and thought

    I hate what science is, for profit, corporate funded, racist, transmisogynist, fatphobic, eugenics loving shit.

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Some Kind Of Social Justice Bullshit

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