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Hey i want to count the amount of data in a certain column in awk.
an example dataset is
2 5 8
1 3 7
8 5 9

and I want to count the frequency of the 5 in the second colum. This is what i tried that didn't work

total = 0;
{if($i==5) {total++;}

  printf("%s  ", total);

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2 Answers 2

up vote 4 down vote accepted

How about the following:

awk '{ if ($2==5) count++ } END { print count }'
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You can move the condition out of the block: awk '$2 == 5 {count++} END {print count}' –  glenn jackman Oct 27 '11 at 20:19
awk 'NR == 1 {ind = 0} $2 == 5 {ind++} END {print ind}' testdata.txt
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