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[–]marriedscoundrel 4 ポイント5 ポイント

There are a lot of issues here, many of which I don't even want to try to address (that's between you two!) but I'll try to give you some HL perspective if nothing else.

He lists the amount of sex we have as less than we do. We actually have sex about once or twice a month. He said in a few comments that we have not had sex in months. I realize that less than he wants is less than he wants, but I feel like he is making it sound worse than it is to get support against me - which he seems to get sometimes.

Minor details, and you're kind of being defensive here. The first step to recovery is admittance. Once or twice a month is still pretty low. To me, once or twice a month, and "haven't had sex in months" isn't all that different. Anyway, my point here is that trying to defend yourself here isn't exactly conducive towards making progress forward.

He does not mention that I have suggested fun date nights, and indicated that this would put me more in the mood.

Okay, maybe he should have shared that, but I have a question for you - why do you need to be put in the mood? And are you making it his responsibility to put you in the mood? Carefully think about what I'm asking you before you answer.

He sometimes makes fun of the things I find romantic (very lightly, I often find this teasing to be cute and funny and endearing, I do not wish to convey that I am hurt by it - but it hardly works to get me between the sheets when you're referring to my idea of Romance as "Disney in a nutshell", does it? It's not sexy to mock your partner, even if she laughs.)

Wait, I'm confused. You find the teasing to be cute, funny, and endearing. Yet you also find it mocking and a turn-off?

I'm confused, so I can't imagine how your partner feels.

The few times a month that we do have sex, very little time is spent on me.

Have you talked about this?

[–]MommaDerp 30 ポイント31 ポイント

Why does she need to be put in the mood? What the hell kind of question is that?

Why does your car need oil? All this defensiveness lately about that sexcell spreadsheet and saying it goes both ways. TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE. You want her to have sex with you more often? Put some goddamn effort in and help her enjoy it. If you're not making her orgasm or at very least feel some gut wrenching pleasure, then she's going to feel used. You want her to help take care of your needs? Take care of hers. Emotionally connecting is hugely important and that's what dates are for.

[–]marriedscoundrel 16 ポイント17 ポイント

You obviously completely missed the point I was trying to make.

He can do nothing, ultimately. He can wine and dine her, take her all the chores in the world, draw baths with rose petals and scented candles, give backrubs...but unless she is ultimately receptive to it, all of that will be for naught. Don't believe me? Well, why not take the word of another LL who posted earlier today.

Went on a weekend away and I wasnt really in the mood for sex - I knew he'd probably be expecting it but I just wanted to enjoy the hotel and relax and get some sleep without the pressure of sex and clean up and everything.

But our OP here seems to be at the very least receptive. So, yay? But that brings me to my next question - why is it his responsibility?

Don't get me wrong. I feel that it's up to both partners to be active in the effort. Both partners. And whatever he can do to her, she can do to herself. She can self-motivate herself to have sex, turn herself on. We HL's do this all the time, most of the time with little awareness that we are.

She came here asking about what she can do. I'm not going to tell her what her partner can do for her. I'm going to tell her what she can do. If she wants to raise her sex drive, that's something she's perfectly capable of doing on her own. Not sitting back and telling her partner to seduce her.

Again, I think it should be an active effort from both parties, so the guy doesn't get off the hook. But that doesn't mean the LL just sits back and says "Well, you put in the effort to make me want to have sex!" either.

[–]deadbedthrowaway123[S] 16 ポイント17 ポイント

He can do nothing, ultimately. He can wine and dine her, take her all the chores in the world, draw baths with rose petals and scented candles, give backrubs...but unless she is ultimately receptive to it, all of that will be for naught. Don't believe me? Well, why not take the word of another LL who posted earlier today.

That person isn't me, though. He doesn't do any of these things. I'm not even asking for baths with rose petals, I'm asking for a night out, or in, or whatever, where I am the focus, as I know in the end sex will focus on him. We're still making it happen once every two weeks - I'm not saying "this, or nothing at all", I'm saying "If you think this is insufficient, meet me halfway, as I am meeting you halfway."

She came here asking about what she can do. I'm not going to tell her what her partner can do for her. I'm going to tell her what she can do. If she wants to raise her sex drive, that's something she's perfectly capable of doing on her own. Not sitting back and telling her partner to seduce her.

I'm not asking him to seduce me, I just want there to be mutual focus on intimacy if that is really what he thinks sex is. He says intimacy, but then he doesn't want to do any foreplay beforeward, he doesn't care how I feel during, and he only cuddles awkwardly afterward for as short of a time as possible, which is off the table if I leave the room to pee or cry or get water.

[–]marriedscoundrel 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Well, he definitely has some work to do in regards to everything leading up to sex - the foreplay, the execution, and the followup. That's something that the two of you have to continue to work on.

[–]Smittit 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I'm not saying "this, or nothing at all", I'm saying "If you think this is insufficient, meet me halfway, as I am meeting you halfway.

Sex every 15-30 days is you going half way?

he doesn't want to do any foreplay beforeward, he doesn't care how I feel during, and he only cuddles awkwardly afterward for as short of a time as possible, which is off the table if I leave the room to pee or cry or get water.

Honestly, why would you let him get straight to intercourse if you know he's going to finish fast and leave you wanting?

Just tell him to eat you out, or whatever gets you off, and play with him while he's working on you, and if he doesn't want to do what you need, why would you be with him?

To a certain degree, you have to be selfish. You have to tell him exactly what you want. If you don't ask for it, it's completely unfair to expect him to read your mind and give it to you.

Finally, he says every few months, you said in the original post every 2 to 4 weeks, and now it's just every 2 weeks? Are you actually keeping track, or this is how often you feel/expect sex to happen?

[–]MommaDerp 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Yes. Both :) we totally agree there. I apologize. Your previous statement was interpreted like she was solely responsible to just show up wet.

[–]marriedscoundrel 8 ポイント9 ポイント

It's all good. :)

[–][deleted] -2 ポイント-1 ポイント


[–]marriedscoundrel 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Just out of would you feel if your husband starting saying everyday "you know, I'm not really in the mood to talk or have conversations. I'm receptive to it, but you're going to have to make me want to talk to you."

[–]TheDankPuss 14 ポイント15 ポイント

You can't really compare her situation to a conversation when they are having the type of sex they are having. Conversation is a two way street of give and take. This kind of sex seems awfully one-sided.

An accurate comparison would be "you know, Im not always in the mood to be expected to always remain an attentive and engaged listener when you only want to talk at me about your interests."

[–]NiftyDolphin 3 ポイント4 ポイント

This kind of sex seems awfully one-sided.

I don't know what the truth of the situation is. This is classic he-said/she-said stuff.

I can say that, from my own experience, when my wife would consistently put little or no effort into our love-making, that I'd eventually put in less effort myself.

Why go the extra mile when you know that no matter what, you're only going to get starfish?

[–]TheDankPuss 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I think the point of the whole post is illustrating how we never have the full story or certainty about the "truth of the situation"

However, I find it funny that "the truth of the situation" is called into question for her personal description of her sex life....Yet I wonder if we just gave her HL partner the benefit of the doubt on his post when he described his lack of sex for months on end. I wonder how badly someone would have been down voted for suggesting that, since we dont have all the facts, its possible his bedroom behavior is the real culprit.

Either we apply the same level of "devils advocate" for HL posters or we accept the feelings and descriptions at face value for all OPs, since we can never get the full story anyway.

[–][deleted] -5 ポイント-4 ポイント


[–]sexagon 5 ポイント6 ポイント

To some people, having good conversation builds intimacy. To others, sexual activity builds intimacy. This is often used as an example because many LL folks can identify with how much conversation means to them in a relationship, whereas they can't make this connection with sex.

It's a sound analogy IMO (and I've rolled my eyes plenty of times at some of marriedscoundrel's analogies). Why do you find it to be invalid?

[–]Middle_aged_TA 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Definitely not the same person as above, who obviously was forced to commit account Harikari because their son went on their computer without permission, while this person was away for less than 5 minutes, and said son started nosing around.

That said, I am sure that the account above with all the deleted comments would say something like: because it's a straw man argument. That's not what was under discussion. The discussion is not about intimacy and conversation being equivalent in "love languages" nor is it about choreplay, roses etc. It's about how it's okay to want some foreplay. Women's arousal is typically more complex than men's. Why does the OP have to be singled out for something like that, as if it is somehow wrong? Geez... I can't believe this was even brought up...

[–]marriedscoundrel 8 ポイント9 ポイント

I feel that "my body is different! You have to make me want it!" is just as much of a cop-out.

I've always been a private person. I'm not one for chit chat, too many words. I come home after a hard day of work and I don't particularly want to talk. And hell, it's my body/vocal chords, I can do whatever I want with it. No one can force me to have a conversation. But my wife wants to talk to me...has been waiting all day to tell me all about her day. Wants to hear about mine as well.

I can say "Sorry honey...I just don't feel like talking. I'll be more receptive to it though if you can create an environment to make me want to talk. Maybe a backrub, bring me a cold beer, and wear something nice." I'm within my rights to do so. And maybe once in a while this is okay. But if I only voluntarily wanted to have a conversation with my wife twice a month, and every other time she had to cajole me into it...I'd be a pretty terrible husband, wouldn't you say? I can say "this is who I am, deal with it" all I want, but that doesn't make the situation any less one-sided. I'm sure my wife would start to think at some point "Why can't I just have a conversation with him without having to put him "in the mood" to want to talk to me? Why can't he just want to talk to me?" At some point she may even start to feel depressed over it. It may start to eat away at her ego.

And that's just conversation. If I'm an unforgivable old curmudgeon and really only want to conversate once or twice a month, and my wife gets lonely...and the cute cable repair guy who comes over decides that yes, he really is interested in how her day has been, no one is going to call her a terrible human being for having a conversation with him over tea, nor would I be justified for calling for a divorce if I did. Actually, I'd still be the terrible husband.

But more than that you know what it's like to feel desired? Maybe you take it for granted, it's something you don't have to work for anymore. The feeling of being desired is fucking awesome. It's like winning at life. There's someone in this world who wants you for who you are. Maybe it's your looks, maybe it's your personality, maybe it's just because they love you so damn much. Hell, maybe they spent the day looking at porn and built up their own energy. But all of it is focused on you, and that is a wonderful feeling.

And that's a feeling that you can give to him. If you expect monogamy from your husband, it's a feeling that only you can give to him. It's a wonderful, awesome, incredible feeling, and not only are you not giving it to him...your position is "Hey, thanks for directing that feeling at me! But if you want me to respond to it, here's what you gotta do..."

[–]angryguy77 7 ポイント8 ポイント

very well said. I find it odd how people can't see the comparison you made. I've used this analogy quite a bit myself when talking to refusers on places like this. I guess it goes to show you, no matter what, some people will never see the value initimacy adds to a relationship.

[–]insilks 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Actually, that does happen, the women who end up talking to other men because their husbands don't want to talk to them, because they think it's 'too much work'.

Why is this woman wrong for wanting the same thing her husband wants -- a satisfying sex life? Why is it that when she needs foreplay and not to feel used or like a series of interchangeable holes, suddenly it's "oh, this is HARD?" Why can having something penetrate you be "intimacy" when her husband wants it but a decent amount of foreplay or buildup is a cop-out?

[–]girlaboutoaktown34/F Cycling 'round 2 ポイント3 ポイント

I think this whole response shows a complete lack of understanding of how female arousal works, though.

OP isn't saying that her husband has to magically make her want to have sex with him, she's saying that she needs him to take PHYSICAL action during sex to get her PHYSICALLY aroused, which for male-female couples who have good sex is an essential part of sex!

This isn't a "chasing the why" situation. She wants him to kiss her, touch her body, put his goddamn hand/mouth/vibrator on her clit, and get her off once in a while.

[–]insilks 5 ポイント6 ポイント

I can't believe it either. This woman has clear complaint about the quality of the sex and foreplay, and people are MAD at her for wanting it better?!


As an LL, all i hear are the same "sex should just happen" (read: Why should I put any effort into it) crap I heard from my husband when I tried to have the 'quality' talk. You want her to want it and yet when she tells you what she would like to happen to make it more enjoyable, suddenly, it's "Too much work?"

[–]Middle_aged_TA 6 ポイント7 ポイント

I'm a bit stunned myself. I don't get these comments at all. I think it's very reasonable to want to have better quality sex and to want one's partner to be be a more considerate lover. There's also nothing wrong with knowing what you want to make an experience better.

People complain about "starfish" sex here all the time--disconnected, uninterested sex partners and get oodles of sympathy. But when someone complains about a similarly disinterested sex partner--and pump and dump is a type of disinterest--the person gets ganged up on.

I think I need to take a break from this forum. I don't have a DB anymore and I think my take on DB situations is out of sync with with the majority here. I am not sure that I can make any useful contributions to the conversation(s).

[–]girlaboutoaktown34/F Cycling 'round 1 ポイント2 ポイント

As a (now) long-time reader of this sub who is an HL woman and not in a DB (although sometimes we go through periods of libido mismatch) this is something I've observed since I first came here.

I am sure plenty of the HL men with LL wives are generous, giving lovers. But I am also convinced some of them are not.

[–]ChimpsRFullOfScience 3 ポイント4 ポイント

You do realize that you could have clicked the 'delete' link beneath each comment, instead of editing each comment to contain the word 'Deleted'?

[–]Middle_aged_TA -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

Uh yup. But from what I understand, the best way to delete content is to overwrite it rather than just delete. Probably just being overly paranoid.

[–]houndhound 3 ポイント4 ポイント

If you subscribe to the love languages theory, having a conversation can be very much like physical intimacy.

[–][deleted] -3 ポイント-2 ポイント
