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[–]trout45 20 ポイント21 ポイント

I like how the nutjobs and children of reddit think they have this whole conflict figured out and that anyone who disagrees with them is either a paid shill or a victim of brainwashing.

In their minds that's the only way someone could ever possibly have a different opinion on the subject. Just look at this clown--there is no conflict between Israel and Hamas, nope, Israel is just committing genocide. Yup, nothing else to talk about folks, he's encapsulated the entire situation perfectly.

On a side note, I've been "defending" Israel by pointing out historical events and providing context, but I haven't got my check from the NSA or the JIDF yet. Are they waiting to set up direct deposit or do I just get a tax credit? Please advise.

[–]CIV_QUICKCASH -7 ポイント-6 ポイント

The numbers speak for themselves, this isn't a defensive war, this is a bunch of soldiers walking into a ghetto and shooting brown people.

[–]Schwarzenegro 6 ポイント7 ポイント

LOLOLOL. Under that logic, every way ever is genocide.

[–]CIV_QUICKCASH 0 ポイント1 ポイント

OK, so let's take this into perspective, so fair it's over a 20:1 Palestinian to Israeli death ratio, you cannot deny the Palestinians are royally getting their asses kicked. Now as for the justification for the invasion, Israel invades because 3 teens were kidnapped by Palestinian citizens. The citizens were members of Hamas but the Israeli government has admitted there is no remote evidence to say they were given orders or it would even make any strategic sense for them to do this on behalf of their party or country. Israel wouldn't even let the Palestinians conduct trials or bring the perpetrators to justice before they invaded and fucked up what's left of the Gaza strip again. Now I agree everything said about Israel in the linked thread is retarded conspiracy babble, but the willingness of people here to randomly take the other side just to disagree is just as stupid.

[–]Bloodysneeze 4 ポイント5 ポイント

Now as for the justification for the invasion, Israel invades because 3 teens were kidnapped by Palestinian citizens.

I recall it being the salvo of rockets.

[–]CIV_QUICKCASH -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

I recall it being an end to negotiations over something both sides knew was an unrelated issue. Israel has made it clear it's not interested in letting Palestine advance past the Gaza strip in its current state.

[–]Schwarzenegro 1 ポイント2 ポイント

That is much more reasonable statement than the one I replied to.

[–]CIV_QUICKCASH -1 ポイント0 ポイント

It's a fancy way of saying they're walking in and shooting brown people who aren't in a position to realistically fight back. As I said, the number of civilian casualties speaks for itself.

[–]Schwarzenegro 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Again, lol.

[–]TheRealHortnon 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Maybe the Palestinians should invest in missile defense systems, then, like everyone else.

[–]CIV_QUICKCASH -1 ポイント0 ポイント

They kinda can't do that when they're constantly under siege.

[–]TheRealHortnon -1 ポイント0 ポイント


[–]CIV_QUICKCASH 0 ポイント1 ポイント

That's a good question, ask the Israeli government.

[–]trout45 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Wow, way to whitewash history there, chief.

The two suspects in the kidnapping, Marwan Kawasmeh and Amar Abu-Isa are on record from previous arrests as being members of the Hamas military wing.

Israel did not respond to the kidnapping and murder of three of its teenage citizens by bombing Palestinian settlements. Israel responded by arresting Hamas operatives in the West Bank, most of whom were released during the Shalit negotiations.

Hamas was the first to turn this situation violent, by launching a few missiles at small, southern targets at Israel. Israel responded with limited airstrikes, which would have normally been the end of it, except Hamas came back and fired over 70 missiles at a very large variety of important Israeli cities in both southern and central Israel, including Beersheba, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Rehovot, Herzelia and Tel Aviv. In a couple of their strikes they've even made it pretty close to Haifa.

Hamas started the missile strikes, and purposefully launched over 70 missiles at almost every town in the south and towns in central Israel in order to provoke a response in which they could play the innocent victim. At the same time they're crying about civilians being killed, Hamas keeps launching missiles at innocent Israelis and even tried to sneak squads of soldiers into Israeli territory and infiltrate the Zikim army base.

People aren't taking the other side just to disagree; they're taking the other side because they know exactly what Hamas is up to. Sadly, too many people are falling for their act.

[–]CIV_QUICKCASH -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Way to whitewash history yourself, and completely avoid the fact that the Israelis are not, and have not been natives to the area for hundreds of years. Yeah that's off topic, but you're the one who brought up history.

Yes the kidnappers were Hamas, I said that, but I also said that they acted on their own, and that was known by the Israeli military.

The arrests were clear acts of aggression by Israel, and clearly showed their objective of preventing Gaza and the West Bank from forming a single government and unifying, by holding hundreds of Palestinian leaders. Israel had made the decision to cease negotiations over an issue they both knew was not one and Palestine responded by resuming the conflict.

Also I'd like to point out the UN reviewed Israeli evidence suggesting that Hamas was firing missiles from UN schools and using children as human shields, and concluded the information provided showed none of the sort.

[–]trout45 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Nice move, sidestepping every action by Hamas and making this a historical argument, while at the same time bullshitting the facts.

The only history I brought up was recent history--information from the last decade or so. You're going off talking about "hundreds of years" because you don't have a leg to stand on.

And now you're trying to label the arrests of leaders of a terrorist organization whose stated goal is to destroy Israel as an "act of aggression" where rational, sane people would call it justice.

Bottom line, Hamas escalated the situation and Hamas fired those 70+ rockets into civilian areas. Like you said, Hamas resumed the conflict. They can suffer the consequences.

No other nation in the world would take dozens of missiles being fired at their civilians lying down, you're delusional if you expect otherwise.

[–]CIV_QUICKCASH -1 ポイント0 ポイント


[–]trout45 0 ポイント1 ポイント

lol, you think Ukraine is a similar situation, or that they're taking it lying down.

Wow. It's like they opened up a buffet of ignorance and you just sprinted and shoved past everyone to chow down like there's no tomorrow. Again, commendable job of avoiding every single point in the argument.