no this is not a troll blog


all kintypes are real valid and cool

so, not to be rude, but i was wondering if you could explain how you connect to feces and how you figured it out, its odd but I'm quiet curios heh..

it’s hard to put into words because, of course, being otherkin is a very personal and internal feeling that sometimes is inexpiable. i’m a biochemistry major with an interest in organ systems, like the nervous system, respiratory system, etc. specifically i’m interested in the digestive system and its functions, and through this i connect with the process of defecation. i understand it’s odd! i don’t expect everyone to get it. those who do, however, respect my identity, i appreciate very much.


im so bored with kin hate

it doesnt even make me mad anymore because its literally like?? all the same?? “oh im specialsnowflakekin please use ass/asshole/assholeself pronouns for me bc all other pronouns are triggering uwuwuwuwuuwuuwuwuwuwuwuwu”

if youre going to make fun of people at least come up with something i can laugh at bc that shits just a bore


i’m thinking of making a feces/fecalkin network! i doubt many will join because there’s so few of us but oh well. message me with your name, url, and preferred pronouns if you’re feceskin and interested in joining and we’ll work stuff out!!


why are people still so hateful to otherkin beings

what we’re doing is not harming anyone so please leave us alone


can you please explain kintypes to me please? i physically dont understand how you can identify as a fictional character, stars, inanimate objects, animals and stuff

also how are you oppressed?

this is actually a genuine question, I wont respond negatively unless provoked to

cause i really just dont get it


for most of us it’s about feeling some sort of connection to a nonhuman thing, whether that connection is spiritual, related to reincarnation, etc. discovering my own identity was a journey and it’s a journey for many others as well.

also, we acknowledge that we aren’t oppressed in any way by identifying as otherkin. oppression is a complex system.


i’m a recently out otherkin looking for some beings to be talk to! like or reblog this or message me if you’re otherkin and want to chat, i feel kind of like an outcast here.

before anyone asks: this is not a joke. i am not a troll. i take my identity 100% seriously and i’d appreciate if you did too. respect me and i’ll respect you.