July 29, 2014


7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1MseVgr
Filed under: post trans* 
July 29, 2014
out of town for longer than expected so my asks will continue to be off for now ):

10:43am  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1MqA2lW
Filed under: mod note 
July 28, 2014

July 27, 2014


7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1MgrnPV
Filed under: post triggers 
July 26, 2014
being good at school = being autistic

being good at school = being autistic

July 25, 2014

7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1MVhSBS
Filed under: tagme 
July 24, 2014
no there doesn’t need to be

no there doesn’t need to be

July 23, 2014
the opposite never, ever, ever happens
also, men of color never disagree with feminism ever 

the opposite never, ever, ever happens

also, men of color never disagree with feminism everĀ 

7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1MKBANE
Filed under: post feminism 
July 22, 2014
obviously what needs to be done is people giving away their money to whoever gets the most signal boosts instead

obviously what needs to be done is people giving away their money to whoever gets the most signal boosts instead

7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1MEI0ks
Filed under: post class 
July 21, 2014
humans have also lived without running water, electricity, or vaccines for thousands of years

humans have also lived without running water, electricity, or vaccines for thousands of years

7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1M8IsMY
Filed under: post fat 
July 20, 2014
yes, it will make us so mad

yes, it will make us so mad

7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1M2H5DF
Filed under: post fat 
July 19, 2014

7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1LyVHfV
Filed under: post feminism rape 
July 18, 2014
um ok

um ok

7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1Lt1Qii
Filed under: pronouns post trans* 
July 17, 2014
create an identity because you’re boring and have literally nothing else to define you

create an identity because you’re boring and have literally nothing else to define you

July 16, 2014
wow what a great white person, amazing!!!!!
yeah totally not a shitty white person at all

wow what a great white person, amazing!!!!!

yeah totally not a shitty white person at all

7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1LhXgmN
Filed under: post race