oh geeze thats me


Damn I just read someone I follows answer to an anon and they used the words cishets numerous times. When I read it I felt knots in my stomach. Like what makes me, a cis girl, shit? I’ve never been judgemental of anybody s personal choices especially when it comes to sexuality and I identification cuz I know how hard that can be. I can’t stand to be lumped with the ones who aren’t this way. Especially as a black person who has been discriminated against for something I can’t help like the way I identify myself ask can someone tell me why I’m cishet?

cishets would rather whine about the word thinkin its some kind of slur than spend two seconds googling it

how are you gonna berate me for existing then be like “sorry if this offends you”

sorry if this offends you but what is your sexuality? if you have one.

cis people: *puts quotes around cis but not around trans*

cis people: we are NOT transphobic!!


How fucked up is the entire concept of The Parent Trap? These parents have twins but want a divorce so they decide their best course of action is to just each take one and never speak to each other again. 

ugh don't even front. you're a girl. you have a fucking vagina. you are FEMALE. not a dude. lol what kind of bullshit are you trying to pull cuz it's not working

i got new memes can yall tell




cishet asexuals who use the word queer need to be s t o p p e d

people who think their sexuality is more important and more deserving then our sexuality need to be s t o p p e d

And newsflash: Aces can’t be cishet, because, and this may come as a huge shock to you, we are not sexually attracted to the opposite gender, ergo not heterosexual. 

"I WANT a slur to be used against me so i can say it too!!!!"

"heteromantic isnt a thing im not a cishet!!!"

im pretty certain even heteroromantic asexuals can use queer. they've always been treated similarly to other queer people, they've faced being told that they don't exist, and that there's something medically wrong with them. asexuals have been placed in "reparative" therapy and face the possibility of corrective r*pe.

and mexicans can say the n word cause theyve been treated similar to black people