- user specific FAQ's
- Why am I being told "You're doing that too much..." I've been here for years!
- Why am I being told "Looks like you're either a brand new user or..." I've been here for years!
- How do I delete my account?
- Is it possible to change my username?
- Someone who hasn't posted in X years/days/months has the username I'd prefer to have, can I have it?
- My karma is not going up / My link karma is stuck
- I forgot my password, but never registered an e-mail account. Can I still reset my password?
- I added a subreddit to my frontpage, but it isn't showing up there.
- I unsubscribed from a subreddit but it is still on my front page
- When is my cake day? (Reddit birthday)
- Some of my subreddits keep disappearing. Why?
- how do i copy all of my subreddit subscriptions from one account to another?
- subreddit specific FAQ's
- reddit wide FAQ's
- Why do some comments show [score hidden] instead of the total number of votes?
- Why can't we filter out users / topics that we don't like?
- I have found a subreddit with content that I do not particularly enjoy/approve of and I think it should be banned/removed.
- Why can't we search comments / have feature X?
- Why do the number of votes change when you reload a page?
- I have 'saved' some posts for later reading; where are they?
- Can you rearrange the list of subscribed reddits at the top of the page?
- I don't seem to be getting a notification for replies to my submission.
- I've been banned. Why? How do I get unbanned?
- How do I submit a picture/photo/comic to reddit
- Are there any other useful links for reddit help?
- I made a submission, but the link doesn't work; it got turned into a self post.
- Why can't I access reddit using https:// ?
user specific FAQ's
Why am I being told "You're doing that too much..." I've been here for years!
Karma is stored (internally) on a per-subreddit basis; if you are new to a subreddit, you'll have to be patient. The delay will decrease as your karma in that subreddit increases and it only takes a fairly small amount of positive karma before the timer will turn off. This applies to both posts and comments. You can also get the timer turned back on if you make a lot of negatively voted posts/comments.
Why am I being told "Looks like you're either a brand new user or..." I've been here for years!
This post explains where the limit comes from and how long it will last; basically if your posts haven't been doing well and haven't verified your email address you may be severely limited in how often you are able to post. This is a site wide rate-limit. If you verify your email address the limits may still be in place, but will be significantly shortened
How do I delete my account?
Go to your reddit preferences and choose the delete tab at the top of the screen. Follow the on-screen instructions to delete your account. You will need to know your account password in order to delete your account. If you do not know it, and haven't stored it anywhere, there is nothing you can do. The Admins will also not be able to help you.
Please note that if your account is deleted, nobody can ever use that username again. Usernames cannot be recycled and accounts cannot be reopened.
Is it possible to change my username?
No. It is not possible to change your username after you create it. This includes modifying your current username in any way. Please note that if your account is deleted, nobody can ever use that username again. Usernames cannot be recycled and accounts cannot be reopened.
Someone who hasn't posted in X years/days/months has the username I'd prefer to have, can I have it?
No, user names aren't recycled except in very, very special cases. If you are not a current or former head of state, don’t ask us for a deleted username.
My karma is not going up / My link karma is stuck
Self posts (Posts that don't link to anything, or 'text' posts) no longer award karma. If you want karma, use the 'link' tab when writing your submission and provide a url. Citation.
Karma also does not share a 1:1 ratio with upvotes. It is common for link karma to be lower than the total number of upvotes you receive on your links. This also applies to comment karma.
I forgot my password, but never registered an e-mail account. Can I still reset my password?
Unfortunately, no. There is currently no way to reset your password unless you have an e-mail address registered. Nobody else can assist you either, the admins will not reset your password for you. If you have forgotten it and you haven't registered an email address, there is nothing you can do.
So, if you still know your password, go ahead and register an email address with your account right now. It is quick and easy, plus you get a shiny trophy!
I added a subreddit to my frontpage, but it isn't showing up there.
There are two buttons that can be used to add or remove subreddits. If the button is green and shows 'subscribe', that means that you are currently unsubscribed and it will be added to your frontpage if you click the button. If the button is red and shows 'unsubscribe', that means that you are currently subscribed and it will be removed from your frontpage if you click the button.
The "MY SUBREDDITS" dropdown menu disappeared. Why?
The "MY SUBREDDITS" dropdown menu is only displayed when you have subscribed to at least 16. If you drop below 16 subscribed reddits (have 15 or fewer), the menu will not display. You can view which reddits you are currently subscribed to here.
I unsubscribed from a subreddit but it is still on my front page
http://www.reddit.com/ is your front page, not /r/all.
Can I delete messages in my inbox?
Reddit does not provide any feature to do this.
When is my cake day? (Reddit birthday)
To determine the day that you joined reddit, go to your profile, (eg http://www.reddit.com/user/TYPEYOURUSERNAMEHERE/ ) find where it says "Redditor for XX years" and hover your mouse over the section in the sidebar that says "XX years". A tooltip will appear displaying the exact date and time of your account creation. You receive a cake icon against your name every year on that same day (give or take a few hours).
Some of my subreddits keep disappearing. Why?
Reddit picks 50 reddits at random (or 100 if you have reddit gold), and displays those on your frontpage. Every 30 minutes, it picks a new random 50 reddits. That's why some reddits come and go.
When you view the 'MY REDDITS' dropdown or the 'YOUR FRONT PAGE REDDITS' list, you are seeing only the current 50 selected. The top bar also only displays the current 50 reddits, along with some additional padding reddits. The only place to see all the reddits you are subscribed to is here.
At the top of your list of subscribed subreddits in the sidebar 'multireddit of your subscriptions', click that to see a multilink of all of you subscriptions.
If you wish to shrink your front page consider creating multis and unsubscribing from a few subreddits.
how do i copy all of my subreddit subscriptions from one account to another?
- Log in to your old account.
- Visit /subreddits/mine.
- Find the "multireddit of your subscriptions" in the sidebar. Copy that link.
- Log in to your new account.
- Visit the multireddit link.
- In the sidebar, click all the "[+ subscribe]" buttons.
subreddit specific FAQ's
What is the spam filter and why does it remove my posts? (AKA Why aren't my posts showing up)
The spam filter is designed to detect spam posts and automatically remove them. However, legitimate posts are often caught by the filter. If a few minutes go by and your post isn't showing up on the new page of the community where you posted, it has probably been caught by the filter. This is most likely to occur if you are posting to a community that you have not participated in before. Each community has an independent filter, for example /r/help's filter doesn't talk to /r/pic's filter. In order to remove your post from the filter you need to message the moderators (this link can be found in the sidebar on the right-hand in that community, you can also manually compose a message to #communityname) and ask them to check the filter for you. Eventually the filter will "learn" that your posts don't need to be removed. If your posts are frequently removed in one community in particular you can send a request to the moderators to be added as an approved submitter.
Is /r/all my "frontpage"?
No. The "frontpage" is specially tailored to you via your subscriptions. You can view your frontpage by visiting http://www.reddit.com while logged in.
Your subscriptions are not taken into account while viewing /r/all as, by definition, it is designed to show you ALL reddits.
How do I create a subreddit?
There is a button called "Create a Community" on your reddits listing that you can click to create one. If your account is less than 30 days old, that button will not appear. You can still create one here. The reason it is disabled for new users is that many new users don't understand the difference between a subreddit and a submission, and were creating subreddits instead when they meant to submit something.
How do I delete a subreddit I created?
You can't. Reddits are a community resource. If you no longer have a use for a subreddit you created, then update the description with something like "I have no use for this subreddit. Please PM me if you'd like to use it." If someone contacts you, then make them a moderator, and remove yourself.
You can also make a post over in /r/AdoptAReddit.
How do I get flair (the text/image next to my username)?
The icon or text which appears next to people's usernames is called "user flair". Each subreddit has its own, and it is set up by the mods.
To get your own, look in the right-hand sidebar for "Show my flair in this subreddit. It looks like: {{ your username }}". It's a little small. If there is an [edit] button next to your username, click it to select your flair. (If there is no edit button, then you can only receive flair from the mods in this subreddit.)
reddit wide FAQ's
Why do some comments show [score hidden] instead of the total number of votes?
Some subreddits are using a feature that will hide a comments score for a specific amount of time after being posted. The moderators can choose to hide the score for anywhere from 1 minute to 24 hours. If you hover over [score hidden] the alt text will tell you how long the score will be hidden for in that subreddit. You can read more about the feature here
Why can't we filter out users / topics that we don't like?
The reason for this is that a subreddit is supposed to be a community that agrees on what kind of content they want and don't want to see. The upshot of this is that those that vote are essentially setting the tone of a subreddit for the (huge number of) people who don't ever log in. If those logged in people filter out stuff they don't like, rather than downvoting it, they'll end up leaving that trash for the unlogged people to see. Not very nice! source
The fewer people we have voting down the crap, and more crap we get. Since our user-base is always growing, the makeup of the community is changing all of the time, generally based on the content that's currently popular. If the front page is all "Does anyone else like boobies?" then the only new users coming in will be the ones looking to talk about how much they like boobies. Eventually the content you like will dry up because the people that didn't come for boobies and "does anyone else" will leave.
You're actually making reddit better by downvoting the crap you don't like source
I have found a subreddit with content that I do not particularly enjoy/approve of and I think it should be banned/removed.
Pictures of violence and gore are not illegal and neither is discussion of it (unless the discussion turns to threats against people). If the subreddit is participating in legal activities, it will stay despite your qualms about its contents, due to the diversity of reddit's users and the many things everyone finds offensive.
If the pictures/content hosted on the subreddit are illegal in nature, however, this is obviously a valid concern and warrants a conversation with the admins (use the feedback function in the contact us link.
Why can't we search comments / have feature X?
It's an expensive operation, and not within reddit's current budget.
Why do the number of votes change when you reload a page?
It's a not-so-clever ploy to thwart potential cheaters by obfuscating the exact number of votes a post has. If the number of votes changes on a cheater's submission, they won't know whether that's due to their methods working or reddit throwing phantom votes their way.
See further explanation by /u/jedberg here and /u/ketralnis here.
I have 'saved' some posts for later reading; where are they?
Under the 'saved' tab on your userpage and on the left sidebar on your frontpage.
Can you rearrange the list of subscribed reddits at the top of the page?
Not through any settings on reddit itself. However, you can install greasemonkey and install this script, or the Reddit Enhancement Suite that will allow you to customize your header bar.
I don't seem to be getting a notification for replies to my submission.
Notifications are only generated when someone makes a top-level comment (replying to the post itself) on self (text) posts. Replies to link posts will not send you a notification.
Are there options to have features not native to reddit?
Yes! Quite a few in fact. Just keep in mind these are not officially supported and may cause strange behavior in some browsers.
There are multiple Greasemonkey scripts available over at userscripts. Just search for "reddit" or head over to /r/greasemonkey to find the ones that you want.
A popular addon is the Reddit Enhancement Suite that combines numerous feature requests into one package.
I've been banned. Why? How do I get unbanned?
Please do not confuse banning with being caught by the spam filter. It is very rare to get your account completely banned. 99.9% of the time, following the spam filter instructions will resolve your issue.
Due to the nature of how banning works on reddit, nobody in /r/help can explain to you why your account has been banned. The reddit admins are the only people who can ban and unban people. One can speculate that you may have broken one of the rules or committed some form of Spam, cheating and the like.
You can try and contact the admins to get your ban revoked. It's extremely rare for the admins to reply and/or unban banned users though.
How do I submit a picture/photo/comic to reddit
Reddit is not a content host. You therefore need to host the content outside of reddit, and then submit a link to that content. You'll notice that most images are hosted on imgur.com, but any image hosting service can be used.
If you would like to use imgur (not endorsed or affiliated with reddit) here is a guide provided by /u/SomeRandomRedditor:
How to Submit a picture to Reddit using imgur:
This guide is going to assume you already have a picture in mind of course.
Go to Imgur.com. On the right, you should see "Upload images" and under that two buttons; "Computer" and "Web" (If you're not on Imgurs homepage, but an album or a picture page (that's not a direct link) you can also click the arrow in the upper left hand corner of the screen.)
If your image is on your computer, click the button marked "Computer". Once you do, a window showing the standard save/upload screen should come up. Navigate to where your picture is located by clicking the folders/tabs on the left. Once you've found it, double click it or click it once then hit the button marked "save".
If the image is hosted elsewhere on the internet, go to where it's hosted, right click the image, select "copy image location", saving the url to your clipboard. Go back to your imgur tab/window, click the "Web" button, and a new window should pop up. On the upper right of it, paste your URL.
You can drag and drop your images on to the imgur screen, for both computer and internet uploads, to do so click the "Arrow" in the upper left hand corner of imgurs screen first.
After whichever method you use to select the file, you should have a new window with a thumbnail of your image on the bottom. Click the button "Start Upload" to start your upload. A screen should come up showing the progress, and you'll automatically be directed to your images new home. Now, either copy the URL in the Address bar, or the "Direct Link" (on the right) URL, and head on back over to Reddit.
If you wish to submit the image to a subreddit as a link post, go to that subreddit, and click the button on the sidebar labeled "Submit a Link". Put in your title, and paste in the URL you just copied, and click "Submit"
If you wish to put the link to the picture in a self post or a comment, the formatting for it is
[What you want your link to say](http://www.YourURLhere.com)
Are there any other useful links for reddit help?
Absolutely. If you want to know more about:
Rules - How to Reddit - Formatting - Searching Reddit
Moderation help - Mobile device - Addons - Reddit Downtime
IRC and chatting with other Redditors - Stats - Other
Subreddit to find more help
Then click here!
I made a submission, but the link doesn't work; it got turned into a self post.
When submitting a link, there are (generally, this will vary by subreddit) two tabs: 'link' and 'text'. If you select 'text', your post will automatically become a self post, but you will be able to type in supplemental text in the 'text(optional)' field. There is no way to have both text and a url.
Why can't I access reddit using https:// ?
/u/spladug has been working on fixing up those last remaining places that don't work properly and working with the ops guys on getting our infrastructure ready.
At this point, browsing reddit on any non-www subdomain should work pretty well over HTTPS. The cookie won't be set secure yet, though you could do that manually in your browser's inspector, and there may yet be a couple of uncaught places that do mixed-content requests.
As for www.reddit.com, secure flags on cookies, and HSTS, that's waiting on CDN unpleasantness which is as much a business issue as a technical issue.
/u/alienth has made working with CDN's, embeds, and ads a major priority for 2014.
revision by redtaboo— view source