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[–]bogmiraRussian Empire -17 ポイント-16 ポイント

Also, Russians actually agree with their government.

Some of you seem to forget, these places were part of Russia for centuries before 1990. Why should 70 years of oppressive Soviet rule change that?

Eastern Ukraine, Southern Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries should all be part of Russia again.

Just imagine the international response when Turkey eventually attacks Greece, and Russia swoops down and crushes Turkey, handing over the territory back to Greece. All that effort to keep Russia from helping their Orthodox brothers overthrow the Muslims in the 19th Century will be for naught.

Maybe, if Serbia can recover itself, it can recapture Bosnia, FYROM and Kosovo (with Montenegro rejoining) while the west just has to sit, cry and watch while Russia and Greece protect them.

[–]synchromanica 31 ポイント32 ポイント

Imagine the international response if any empire on earth tried to reclaim all of its past possessions and then rethink your post.

[–]Higher_Primate 17 ポイント18 ポイント

these places were part of Russia for centuries before

and centuries before that they weren't.....

[–]RedditPathologist 8 ポイント9 ポイント

This is why the China-Taiwan conflict exists.

Get over it, you guys lost that territory. Back then the geopolitical environment was different than today.

[–]EatingCake 5 ポイント6 ポイント

For centuries before that, today's Russia was the distant province of the Kievan Rus', but I don't see you volunteering to move the capital to Kiev and become a puppet state to them.

[–]JacksambuckGermany 1 ポイント2 ポイント

You live in a strange, strange world.

[–]DroppaMaPants 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Or Greece to retake Constantinople - oh Russia tried that in the first Crimea War.

[–]bogmiraRussian Empire -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

Greece WILL retake the Great City. That's a guarantee, not a fantasy, not an ideal. The judgment has already been written for the Turks. Their time for control of Anatolia is running out. The unrighteous and the enemies of God never triumph forever. Eventually, they all fall.

It's already written, Constantinople will fall, and will return to Christian hands, and it will be the Russians who defeat the Turks and return the city to the Greeks, who will then hold it until the end.

[–]DroppaMaPants [score hidden]

Didn't work the first time. Have you been to Constantinople lately? Completely overrun with dirty people and minarets - any semblance of it's old glory days are millennia gone buried beneath meters of debris.

[–]bogmiraRussian Empire [score hidden]

It didn't work the first time because the West intervened and prevented Greece, Russia and others from taking down the Ottoman Empire because they didn't want Russia's power to expand.

This time, it will be different. They won't be able to stop Russia until Turkey has been taken down. Constantinople will be almost entirely destroyed in the war, and will need to be rebuilt, as will much of the rest of the country. Part of the Turkish population will die in the war, part will convert to Orthodoxy, and part will flee, but the entirety of the land will become Greek and will be Orthodoxy.

Which, BTW, most Turks aren't ethnically Turkish. It's a false notion built by the Turkish government. Most Turks are actually either Greek, Armenian, Kurdish or a mix of Turkish and one of those. Very few are pure Turks. They are forced to list "Turkish" as their ethnicity. Many are already returning to the roots of their ancestors. Even at the disapproval of their government and Muslim relatives. It's only a matter of time.

[–]WheelyBob -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Part of Russia up to Stalingrad was Germany's for a want to continue this line of logic?