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Male children are the prisoners of women. Over fifty percent of men are born into single mother households without a father or male authority figure present. Women who choose to keep their children’s father around, do so only on a provisional basis, with the legal right to separate him from his children at any time she chooses. For all intents and purposes, the children are hers, and she merely allows their father to see them.
Even if the father is present, the nurses, therapists, school teachers, and caregivers around the child are virtually all women. The formative years of the life of the average American male are dominated and ruled by women. These years are marked by routine and institutional abuse that pathologizes masculinity and trains men to seek women’s approval more than their own joy.
If a child is born male, he is immediately rushed from his mother’s arms to surgery where part of his genitals are cut off in procedure euphemistically known as
circumcision. Circumcision is almost always performed without anesthesia, or only an ineffective topical anesthesia, causing the baby to scream in pain as the most sensitive nerve endings on his body are cut off and discarded into the trash (NSFW video).
No medical organization in the world recommends this procedure. America is the only first world country to perform infant circumcision for non-religious reasons. The most common reason given is aesthetic preference—specifically the preference women, who frequently lack
comparative sexual experience
with the natural male body. Circumcision is the first and greatest change forced on men for women’s approval. The implication of circumcision is that the natural male body is disgusting and diseased, that men are born wrong and in need for fixing, and that the penis and male sexual pleasure is not important.
This procedures teaches the child his feelings do not matter, and that his body is the property of others. While feminists prattle on about “rape culture” and “my body, my rights,” the boy will know on some level that his consent did not matter, and he did not have the right to his own body. This act of sexual violence will be spoken of only in jokes, as will all acts of violence against men.
After infancy, the boy is sent to school where over seventy percent of his teachers will be women. Hereafter, it won’t matter if he has a father present, because eight hours a day will be spent attempting to please to women, in an institution run by women for women. School is a feminine environment, where feminine traits like obedience and cooperation are valued over masculine risk taking and challenging.
boys that their self worth comes from the approval of women through supplication. Boys are told to sit still and obey female authority figures, rather than their own masculine instincts. Just as they were physically disconnected from part of their masculinity in infancy, they will be emotionally disconnected in the school system.
No previous civilization in recorded history would have ever considered imprisoning it’s youngest and most energetic members indoors for eight hours a day, and considered submission to such a system pathological. In our society, natural male behavior and childhood energy is what is pathologized. Boys who refuse to sit still or exhibit the natural male instinct to play, explore, or rough house are frequently
or expelled. Over 20% of boys will be given prescription drug meditation.
Imagine if most teachers were male and they were encouraging parents to drug 20% of little girls
The message is clear. Supplicate to women, or there is something wrong with you, and we’ll reprogram your mind with drugs till you obey. Just as in infancy the male body was pathologized, in male childhood, the male mind is pathologized.
Having spent his in entire life being forced to supplicate to women for their approval, the average American male repeats this strategy in his romantic efforts. And why not? The entire culture around him reinforces it. Men are portrayed in popular media as incompetent and clueless with women, and those who are competent are labeled assholes, players, and users of women.
The only sources most young men have about women are the mainstream media, the internet, their equally clueless peers, and women around them. Women’s concern when teaching men about sexuality isn’t men’s success, but women’s comfort. Neither men nor women seek comfort in romantic relationships, we seek excitement. Women’s advice on approaching women fails catastrophically for most men.
Men enter the world of sexuality with little or no guidance on the questions that actually concern them. When they ask questions about how to get girls, they are shunned as predatory and accused of objectifying women. By this point, the idea that men’s pleasure does not matter, and men should seek women’s approval is so thoroughly ingrained that men have trouble even talking about their sexual questions.
Unable to sleep with women, young men turn to pornography. The average American male will see more pornography at thirteen than existed in the world fifty years ago. Watching pornography actually
changes the brain, reorienting men’s arousal from his own personal experience, to a thirst for passively received novelty. Many men who have quit porn have found their social skills and focus dramatically improved. For this reason, social awkwardness is increasing among men, in
scientifically observable ways.
While the man watching porn is told he is objectifying and degrading women, but the woman doing porn is told she is
empowered. This is because a man watching porn is not seeking a woman’s approval, whereas the woman doing porn is looking for approval. In either case, the concern is always women’s approval, not for the man who lacks the skills to find sexual pleasure with actual women.
Every stage of this process occurs only with the conscious consent and action of women. A man could easily reach the age of twenty without knowing a single adult male mentor, including his own father. The system of nurses, teachers, and therapists perpetuating the abuse of the American male are female dominated professions.
After over a decade of abuse, what attitudes do you think most men will have toward women?
There are two ways human being respond to unhealed trauma—they repress the experience, or act it out on others. Facing abuse is incredibly difficult, and facing unacknowledged institutional abuse is even more difficult. Most men prefer to say “I’m fine,” take the blue pill, and shove their feelings down. They label anyone who calls attention to their abuse a misogynist, and continue the pattern of
seeking women’s approval
formed in childhood.
The other path is bitterness and acting out the abuse through genuine chauvinism. Women frequently accuse men with negative attitudes about women of having “mommy issues,” but the problem actually goes much deeper. Men have issues in every female dominated setting from school to birthing industry. Even the therapists men might seek to discuss these issues with are mostly women. If men hate women, it isn’t because of lack of experience, since women dominate men’s early life. Whatever men become, it what their female caregivers have made them.
There is a third path—healing. Healing requires fully feeling and acknowledging the abuse and allowing yourself to let go of the patterns associated with it while still holding the perpetrators responsible accountable. In this case, ending the institutional abuses of men require men to stop caring about what women think about them, value their own pleasure and sexual experience more than women’s approval, and find ways to play, explore, and grow free from women’s constraints.
All of this can be avoided by not abusing men in the first place. Natural male instincts are entirely healthy, and do not require correction through surgery, drugs, or forced cultural conditioning. Men are not born wanting to supplicate to or hate women. The qualities women dislike in men can be traced back to the treatment men routinely receive at the hands of women when they are young. When women value the masculine, and reflect that value in how they treat men during their earliest years, they will get the men they desire. Until then men must liberate themselves by putting their own joy, freedom, and purpose first.
is a self-employed artist whose interests include spirituality, health, and game. You can follow him on twitter
or at his blog,
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is for men seeking life coaching by an experienced licensed practitioner who integrates a red pill outlook into life planning and can understand what you want out of women and life. A free 20 minute consultation available on request. Click here to learn more.
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This is one of the most important articles for the ROK community. When it came to child bearing responsibilities, Woman pre-1960 took this as a blessing from the gods whereas she devotes her life to raising her child in love and stability.
When the child is old enough e.g. age 13(depending on culture/tradition), the husband endows him/her with a code of morality/wisdom that will be useful for the rest of his/her life. Only a man can teach another male child how to be a man. Your male identity will always be derived from a father figure, whether real or perceived. How dare woman complain about the immaturity of men when a significant number of us were raised by women who are themselves children. You want men to 'man up' then be a women and let men take control in marriages and LTR's.
A kid(male) being raised by women is akin to child abuse
Most boys are raised, taught, and counseled solely by women, many of them divorcees or spinsters who know nothing about natural masculinity. All they know is the fake, toy-like masculinity they see on TV. Women grew up with Barbie but never understood Ken. Natural masculinity is beyond their ken.
So, in an attempt to control boys, they try all the methods they've used to control adult males: nagging, shaming, screaming, harassment, ostracism, lies, and more. Fail. The coven apply Oprah-recommended control tactics... more fail. A disaster for the collective.
You see, boys are naturally masculine so they "exhibit the natural male instinct to play, explore, or rough house" and women do not impress them. They are real men writ small who have not yet been cowed, not yet submitted to the feminine imperative; they remain unbowed and refuse to conform. They remain freedom-loving beings. What a tragedy.
So boys must be crushed. But how? The feminist state! Women have not the means to squeeze love of freedom out of boys so they resort to state-enhanced methods of control: neutering drugs, zero tolerance policies, prisons, whatever it takes to turn a natural alpha into a gelded beta. The results are all around us.
I've lead all my children's births, running linebacker to all the external issues while my wife labors. While two were midwife'd home births, my first was in the hospital. It was a life lesson to see the reactions from the delivery team by my taking charge. They were not used to being challenged, and I was firm (and signed the waivers) about what we wanted, and I made sure nothing happened in that room that I did not want to happen.
Men belong in the birthing room, should challenge the nurses or doctors that would like to run things their own way, and should damn well know all the probs and stats before they go in so they can call them on their bullshit. The whole father in the waiting room shit is so gamma, and your wife will know it deep down.
That is naturally how feminizm wants it, and that's how they (mostly) get it. That was also brilliantly illustrated by the flood of interns that came in just as my wife was delivering. They had rarely (never?) seen a natural childbirth without drama.
"I've lead all my children's births, running linebacker to all the external issues while my wife labors...The whole father in the waiting room shit is so gamma, and your wife will know it deep down."
Everyone should follow this man's example. Men have to be there for their sons from day one.
This is ridiculous. Docs and nurses are experts in the birthing process, you are not. Why would you challenge someone who has more than ten years of experience more than you. You could put your child at risk. Stupidest thing I've read all day... They aren't going to circumcise your kid without your permission, plus circumcision is a separate procedure that occurs 2-3 weeks after birth, you have to schedule an appointment to have it done.
Yes circumcision is a seperate procedure, but the hospital is also very much an assembly line for profit now. America has the highest stats on unnecessary interventions in delivery.
It's a mans right, nay place to protect his progeny and wife against such shite, when our third was born they wern't happy with the amount of time it was taking and tried to hook her up to pitocin which I flat out vito'd. Our second son was born two hours later from a pretty typical 9 hour natural labour start to finish.
Sure, you want a dr for those rare fucked up moments some shit goes wrong, but the human body is built to do its job, and a lot of modern births are intervined in to convenience the medical staff, NOT for the best interests of the child & mother.
A doctor, who is an "expert", will conduct his behavior under the guidance of maximum medical intervention for the purpose of lawsuit minimization, profit maximization, for the sake of getting home on time, and frankly, for punishment purposes to those upstarts that have the temerity to ask: "why?"
It is not medically neccesary to have Erythromycin ointment applied to the eyes, have a vitamin K shot, have the cord clamped the instant a baby emerges, be vaccinated for hep B or chicken pox on the first day of life, have a blood draw for rare blood disorders (and to put your kid on the fucking genetic registry in your state! Look it up!). All these are 1 in 10,000 issues. If you don't have medical history of these, it is not medically necessary.
It is not medically necessary to have heartbeat monitors wired into your baby's scalp when still in the womb.
It's not medically necessary to have an epidural, then have to have pitocin when the urge to labor isn't there because your wife was advised to paralyze herself, then have to suffer through pitocin pushing. It's not medically neccesary to have a c-section because of the epidural and pitocin not working fast enough, and your OB wants to get home on time. It's not even medically necessary to have ampicillin intravenously because your wife tested group B strep positive, because it is less than 40% effective in the situations in which it is used, and it's less than a 2% chance anyway!
Tom, I did not mention circumcision in any way. I have not even gone off on all the crap they can pull. You have not educated yourself in any way in this process. Take this as a lesson and get educated, whether you plan to be in this position or not, because your argument was pure fail.
Lastly, you are pedestalizing medical professionals like you pedestalize your pussy. Knock that shit off and get educated.
also why is it ridiculous? a man wants to know somthing that occurs naturally in this world and do what he can to help his wife and that's "ridiculous"?
doctors everywhere no matter what their doing should be challenged and questioned to make sure they know exactly what their doing and why. you never know when some random doctor just assumes to know what he is doing and does something that he should not have done.
"This is ridiculous. Docs and nurses are experts in the birthing process, you are not. Why would you challenge someone who has more than ten years of experience more than you. You could put your child at risk. Stupidest thing I've read all day..."
Conveniently forgetting the fact that doctors and nurses
in all other Western nations
disapprove of cutting off part of an infant's penis. (In the U.S. it only goes on because the media owners want it to. Since they are circumcized, they want the host population to be so as well, because otherwise they would be viewed as freaks. If the U.S. media dealt honestly with circumcision it would be gone in a year.) In fact, almost nowhere in the world do doctors and nurses recommend circumcision, and most of the world's billions of men are not circumcized.
Tom. They are experts, you are not. Why would you challenge people who have more experience than you. You could put your child at risk. Stupidest thing I've read all day.
By the way, you talk about "your permission". LOL What about the victim's permission? How about allowing a boy to grow up and THEN decide on his own if he should be mutilated or not? Why don't the circumcision crowd want to allow that? Because they know the adult, unmutilated men would say NO.
I totally agree that parents should be well informed when they go into the birthing room, especially the father since he is of a much clearer mind than the mother in labor. Fathers these days are let into the birthing rooms more so than they were a few decades ago. If there is a birthing plan created by the parents, then it should be stuck to, unless there are serious complications. It only makes sense to respect the parents' wishes at the birth of their child.
The wife is going to be busy, and should not be asked about her wishes. These should be set down beforehand, and the husband should be the one to enforce them. If you are not married, the man is not going to have any power there, so don't knock it up in the first place. Otherwise, don't let panic or ignorance push you to make hasty decisions in the face of a medical practitioner. You need to have knowledge and advice on your side, which is why you need to have a midwife or RN on your side to consult with, as you cannot make good decisions with no information.
"The wife is going to be busy, and should not be asked about her wishes. These should be set down beforehand, and the husband should be the one to enforce them."
That's what the birthing plan is. I don't think the parents have to be married in order for the father to be in the room, he can be in there is the mom wants him to be, but I could be wrong since I've never been in that situation. Nine months is certainly enough time to do research on exactly how parents want their child's birth to go.
i know this is the most random thing ever but i must tell someone. did you know that if there is clitoral stimulation during childbirth the blood will rush to the clit and vulva allowing it to expand without ripping.
only the clitoral area needs stimulus. its not like you're trying to shove a dick in while the birth is taking place. it would make a lot of sense during a home birth rather than at a hospital
This made me a little teary. My husband was my linebacker through both my natural births. I will be forever grateful for his strength and protection during a very vulnerable time.
I have never heard of someone not being allowed to attend their wife's birth. Does that really exist in America...? I live in Canada; are we really worlds apart?
Wife's birth, probably no. I was referencing a "Significant Other," i.e. a non-married couple. Then the SO or bio-dad can certainly be excluded upon the woman's wishes.
I think your intent is good but a big part of the equation is this sentence: "then be a woman and let men take control in marriages and LTR's". Men aren't dominant. If you are you don't have to have women "let" men take control, you just take it. This is why even the most physically dominant men these days are getting fucked (see athletes), b/c they don't have the real dominance of the state. Women know this too, and dominance for them is like an addiction, they need more and more to get the same satisfaction. However, by the time you get anywhere close to being able to satisfy this need, the state will intervene. Women are simply being women, and are merely products of their environment at this point. More blame should be at white knights if anyone. And further down the rabbit hole we go.
Athletes are little sissies brought up by hair hatted hooligans.They are not dominant and negro females use them as door mats. These beasts will only keep their mouths shut around White men, the Master, because White men will belt them if they go too far and don't care about this momma nonsense. These beasts are too stupid to care about their boys and in fact cause trouble and even death encouraging them to fight over some trivial bullshit.Negro men need to wise up. If females want to fight like animals don't interfere and let them kill each other. You get involved and you then end up in jail, not them.
I'm black and i approve this message. TheBoomer is only speaking of what is true, many black women could give a flying fuck about their children. An large percentage would burn their own children, if it meant money or somebody offered to pay them for it. This kind of black women only respect their "white daddies". They don't even have the capacity to respect themselves.
True that first bit. Woman pre-1960 staying at home = luxury.
But not sure bout the last bit on kids raised by women. Shouldn't we want the women to be staying at home so that the kids can be raised by them? n so men can finally be earners n leaders in families
Regarding circumcision, any medical doctor supporting it should be taken out and shot. And believe me, there are a lot of them who accept the "aesthetic preference" and "hygiene" arguments as legit and irrefutable scientific facts. It certainly doesn't help women will make up the majority of doctors in the near future.
Furthermore, "School is a feminine environment, where feminine traits like obedience and cooperation are valued over masculine risk taking and challenging."
Absolutely true, and can't be said enough. This and rampant affirmative action policies in favor of women are the prime reasons I *loathe* modern academia. It's like they have a death wish in those ivory towers by doing everything in their power to suppress the male drive, creativity and innovation.
I've hit on this before. Modern schools are disgusting. They DO push feminine weakness on boys - discouraging "traditional masculinty" and giving "every kid a trophy." Nothing could be more harmful or perverse.
My boys came home last year to tell me all about one of their assemblys - The school had some native american guy come in and talk to them all about why women were better than men and how they should be treated, this is the shite they're spewing to primary schoolers.
Couple that with the oldest son being on the fast track to bullshit ADDville and we pulled them from public and homeschooled ever since.
No wonder the level of depression and suicide among young men is so high. If parents only knew how their sons are being treated in the education system things might change.
"This and rampant affirmative action policies in favor of women are the
prime reasons I *loathe* modern academia. It's like they have a death
wish in those ivory towers by doing everything in their power to
suppress the male drive, creativity and innovation."
Well that's justify Conrad. For women to achieve "equality" they HAVE to restrain men. Otherwise they couldn't come anywhere near achieving it. Like I've said before, women drown in penis envy.
While the connection Feminism -> Infant circumcision does exist, I would think the author is dancing a bit around the catalyst of both:
YKW -> Infant circumcision YKW -> Feminism
By YKW I refer to a population with impressively high average IQ (including verbal IQ), some of whom will use their selective advantage to further the interests of their own group, many times at the expense of the outgroup. For every YKW like Einstein and Feynman who uplift the rest of humanity with their intelligence, there is a Bernanke and a Yellen keeping it down.
Fuck you. One of the most heartfelt posts on this site, one of the best introductions to real masculinity for anyone (this article ought to be required reading for men aged 13-99) and you have to blame the Jews. Goddamn. At least you're an improvement on the Nazis, seeing as how your rant had something positive to say about Jews. The only reason I can support male circumsicion is for religious reasons. Unlike Islamic female "circumcision" the Jewish religious justification is not denial of pleasure, but the marker of a Covenant with G-d.
Foreskins arent thrown away. They sell for about $3k, then starter cells are harvested for beauty cream and burn victim skin, total end profit is roughly $100k per foreskin.
Well, hopefully you don't get ED later in life, it's correlated to circumcision, but there's too many other factors to say how big a part it plays in it. I kind of feel sorry for all those men forced into it, they're missing out since the whole inside of the foreskin (when retracted) gets sensation from p in v.
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