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[–]droidloot 118 ポイント119 ポイント

Apes hooting and howling at slightly less evolved ape. Kind of weird when you think about it. Funny as fuck though.

[–]sixtyshilling 194 ポイント195 ポイント

That's not how evolution works.

Both sets of apes in this video are equally as evolved.

[–]gamer_5 -49 ポイント-48 ポイント

Wrong, some species have not changed significantly in a very long time. Evolutionary change can be viewed as 'more evolved', though that does not mean more capable.

[–]III1I1IIII1I1IIIII1 27 ポイント28 ポイント

No, we are both equally evolved to our climates. We humans are just as evolved as an ant.

[–]sixtyshilling 10 ポイント11 ポイント

Umm... no. As a biologist who actually studies evolutionarily modified systems, I can assure you that you are wrong.

Sharks have not changed significantly in millions of years, but that doesn't mean that modern sharks are any "less evolved" than a current human.

Unless this was a video of a bunch of humans laughing at a thawed-out Ardipithecus, both animal species are equally as evolved.