मेरा नाम अमनदीप है |

I'm a queer, body positive desi person living in Portland. I like cats, languages, and creative things, and might one day gather the confidence to post my own creative things.











nah, they portray her as white because she was white. 

Next they’ll demand history books to be re-written in order to not be racist.

Wait, I think they’re already doing that.

Cleopatra was part of the Ptolemaic dynasty, who were Macedonian Greeks who served Alexander the Great before his death. Because they followed the Egyptian custom of marrying siblings they had little to no actual Egyptian blood in them. Thus having an actual Egyptian woman portray Cleopatra would be historically incorrect.


I laugh at people who don’t know Cleopatra technically wasn’t even Egyptian.

People believe what coincides with their opinions.

I knew she was white but I didn’t know she wasn’t actually Egyptian. Hmmph. The more ya know


Scientists find Cleopatra’s sister and possibly her mom probably were Black African women

Cleopatra’s mom probably was African—black sub-Saharan African on her mother’s side if she and her sister Arsinoe had the same mothers. They shared the same Greek/Macedonian father. Check out the article, BBC NEWS | Also in the news | Cleopatra’s mother ‘was African’. See the uTube video, Cleopatra’s sister Arsinoe had African ancestry - YouTube. Egyptians and Nubians in ancient times had been marrying one another, say most archaeologists.

The only problem is scientists found Cleopatra’s sister having African features, but don’t know whether the two sisters had the same mother. Cleopatra also had two brothers. And the scientists conclusion is based on African skull shape from drawings of a skeleton found in a tomb in Ephesus, Turkey assumed to hold the bones of Cleopatra’s teenage sister, Arsinoe.

I mean it’s not like the damn Egyptians painted her as being a brown-skinned woman or anything

Until Cleo herself comes to me herself and tells me she’s white I’m always going to imagine she was a sickening nubian sister with a built like Buffy the Body.

I’m sorry to break it to any and all of you who think the lengthy list of images posted above are of Cleopatra, but NONE of them are. The first is a poster of Nefertari, an actual Egyptian queen, and none of the rest of the images are contemporary to Ancient Egypt. In fact, most of them are modern paintings made for a tourist market.




contemporary to her time.

The last of which is thought to have actually been sculpted while she was visiting Rome. Take in information that is given to you with a critical eye, and find your own research.

I am not saying that she was or was not at least partially of African descent.

But the images above that attest she was are completely inaccurate.

Cleopatra  # me  # Cleopatra VII  # Ancient Egypt  # Egypt  # archaeology  # history  # art history  
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    I’m sorry to break it to any and all of you who think the lengthy list of images posted above are of Cleopatra, but NONE...
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