When I got glasses I was called four eyes. When my kids got glasses everybody said "cool glasses"!
翻訳元: http://ja.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/29rraz/older_people_of_reddit_what_do_you_think_is/
I'm 48 (today, in fact) and I'm a teacher. Frankly, I LOVE today's youth. Here's why: They're far more tech-savvy than most of my timeframe even are today, never mind back then. They're enormously more accepting of people than my generation. Being a nerd/geek doesn't seem to be the massive handicap it was when I was in high school (being both a nerd and geek). Intelligence and doing well in school are seen as good things (although it seems as though a couple of sub-cultures are trying to fight that fight). The social consciousness of today's youth is also very apparent. When I was in high school, that really didn't exist. But it is an active thing - community service is seen as something that is worth doing and enjoying. I don't have a lot of negatives to say, actually, about today's youths. Ok, I have one (and I admit this is COMPLETELY about my own biases)...way too many piercings. Ick.
People are more tolerant, less violent. The media makes it sound otherwise, but people are less hurtful and when they are it's a big deal. They also have great opportunities that come with the Internet. They get to engage with adults on adult subjects every day. As a youth, if I had any adult ideas, I could only get support or feedback from my parents or teachers, I didn't have the resources to get feedback from an expert in the field. Now you can google your problem and get 5 different explanations from 5 different points of view and 5 different video explanations. The hardest part about it is telling which explanation is full of shit. But that's better than my textbook, which was sometimes full of shit itself.
As a kid, I simply can't comprehend how you guys survived so long before the internet.
Before the internet, you could say "I wonder..." and not get an answer. I remember the day (early 1990s?) when the family was discussing the lyrics in an old song. Then it hit me - I bet we could get the answer on the internet! And sure enough, with some effort, there were the lyrics. It was stunning.
I'm a Gen X and work in a field with mostly Millennials, and I manage them. They are really good at taking feedback and improving. I think they are more into intrinsic rewards than other generations. As much as you can generalize a huge group of people, I like working with them, they don't seem as cynical as my generation.
Keep in mind that cynicism takes time. By the time we're at your age we might be just as cynical as your generation or more.
How cynical of you.
I think it is amazing that the vast majority of young people are so well balanced, decent and kind given the diet of rubbish they've been fed by the media, advertisers and politicians.
I think it's partly because of the rubbish. See enough of it, and at some point you see something you know is bullshit. Well if one thing is bullshit, maybe there's more bullshit. Do this until you see everything is bullshit, and then all that matters is being nice and having fun.
Oh, that's easy. Younger people are much nicer, less violent. Young people can tolerate being disagreed with and work well in diverse groups made of people with unrelated knowledge. That's hard for us 'tough' old timers.
これまさに俺の職場だわ。 いま33歳だからちょうど上の世代と若い世代の真ん中みたいなもんで、 上の世代は少しでも変化があるとそれに対処できずに騒ぎ出すんだ。それでいて間違いを指摘されたらまるで親の敵のように個人的に受け止めるし…。もちろん全員がそうじゃないし、上の世代にもいい人はいっぱいいるけどね
I've noticed this at work... I'm 33, so I'm comfortably in between the oldies and youngies at work. With the older coworkers of mine, if anything happens to even slightly change their plan for the day they freak the fuck out. It's the end of the world. And if they're told that they're wrong, it's a personal attack, like I'm holding a knife to their kid's throat... Only generally speaking of course. Some oldies are goodies. But with my younger coworkers, they can handle change, they can handle criticism. They seem to be able to throttle aloofness and rise above the situation. If you tell them they're wrong, and they think they're right, they glance at the clock and say, "Okay, if you think we have the time for that, let's try your idea!". They're COOL about shit.
Always best to assume you're wrong and try another persons idea first. If they are proven right, you leaned something and probably save time in the long run. To top it off you really do look like less of an ass in doing this, and more open minded which would generally let others be more accepting with your ideas. Also, what do you do for work if i may ask?
Smart kids are getting smarter. It's easy to bag on the youth and bitch about how things are going down hill. But the ones that get it right are really killing it. In the art realm, it's cool seeing younger people be recognized for the shit they are creating. Music and the like, mostly. Technology is making these kinds of things much more accessible at a much younger age.
本当にその通りだと思うわ。 インターネットを通して世界中に自分の作品を発表できるってのは素晴らしいと思う。 実世界では会うチャンスも無かったような人とサイバースペースで繋がれてるわけだからね。 でも競争相手も増えるわけだからある意味では諸刃の剣だね。でも挑戦はいつだって大事
I think you hit the nail on the head. The fact that you can put music out to literally anyone across the globe thanks to the internet, is truly a beautiful thing. Just the chances of me coming across other musicians I currently work with are astronomical to say the least - yet here we are doing our thing over cyberspace. There's also a ton of competition though, so it's a double-edged sword. But hey, you gotta keep trying.
Their creativity. Whether it's technologically driven, artistic, musically, entrepreneurial skills, whatever, they have it. So many young people start businesses while they are in their teens and early twenties that it's amazing.
I'm the parent of two women in their 20's. This generation is less apt to accept the wisdom of their elders. In the past, anything published was assumed to have been vetted by People Who Know. Now, all kinds of people can be heard, and their race and gender has less influence on acceptance of their information. I find that young people I meet today are less apt to make up stuff and believe it, compared to the 1960's an 70's, when I was a kid. I remember kids joining communes, cults, crazy political parties, and going off to live in the woods with spiritual leaders.
No. It's not so much that they don't accept the wisdom; it is that they verify that the "wisdom" is actually wise before they believe it and spread it about -- which brings me to my addition: I love how kids share information so quickly and openly now. When I was a kid, we learned something and shared it with a few friends. Now-a-days, everyone shares with everyone always and instantaneously. It's pretty awesome.
This is good and bad. The only reason it is bad is because it is easy to spread misinformation.
a lot of children today can't even fathom the idea of treating someone different b/c of the color of their skin or sexual orientation. I find that to be quite beautiful & hope they don't lose that
There's still lots of anti-LGBT youth but definitely less than adults/elders
They are still full of hope and they seem to care about the environment far more than we did.
It's not cool to smoke cigarettes anymore :)
Their boobs. So lively. :)
As a 23 year old, I found these positive responses really encouraging to read. Thanks, older people. All is not lost on us!
1 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:06 ▼このコメントに返信 海外の掲示板は日本では見ることができないほどの質の良いコメントがたくさんあって有意義だね
2 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:09 ▼このコメントに返信 取捨選択した結果だろ
3 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:11 ▼このコメントに返信 翻訳するスレのセンスがいいよなあ
4 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:12 ▼このコメントに返信 米2
5 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:16 ▼このコメントに返信 確かに年寄どもと比べると今の若者のほうが温厚かつ寛容で穏やかな性格が多いと思うね
6 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:17 ▼このコメントに返信 ※2
7 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:18 ▼このコメントに返信 2ちゃんと海外両方まとめてるのか
8 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:18 ▼このコメントに返信 最近の若者の礼儀正しさはけしからん
9 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:26 ▼このコメントに返信 米8
10 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:27 ▼このコメントに返信 茶髪は不良、ヒップホップは不良、自衛隊郵便屋職人床屋は底辺、そんな時代あったなあ
11 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:40 ▼このコメントに返信 英語の勉強になるわ
12 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:44 ▼このコメントに返信 日本の社会常識は5年10年でころころ変わる
13 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:47 ▼このコメントに返信 鍵は情報量の違いか
14 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:50 ▼このコメントに返信 ネガティブな記事が多い中こういう記事があるとうれしいな
15 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 21:54 ▼このコメントに返信 情報があっても、その多さを逆手に取って目茶苦茶な事言う奴もいるけどね。
16 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 22:00 ▼このコメントに返信 できる奴はスゴイできる様になった、できない奴もすごいできない様になった。
17 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 22:06 ▼このコメントに返信 米13
18 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 22:07 ▼このコメントに返信 米2
19 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 22:08 ▼このコメントに返信 日銀は円刷りまくってくれやバブル再来や将来の借金?知らんがなそんなん知らんいうてかつて刷りまくっとったんやろ自分ら世代が負担するんやないからそれを今更になって将来の借金だー年金だーで負担はワイら若年層に押し付けて美味しいとこどりなんて虫が良すぎるわだいたい国の借金て責任の所在があいまいな表現しとるからわるいんや国もそうやけど実質団塊世代の借金やろまずはそこから取り立ててから税金でもなんでも盛ればええんや違うか?
20 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 22:11 ▼このコメントに返信 なぜ唐突に外国のスレを載せた?
21 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 22:13 ▼このコメントに返信 米20
22 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 22:22 ▼このコメントに返信 未来に希望があるってのはいいなあ
23 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月27日 23:42 ▼このコメントに返信 海外って若者に対する評価高いな。日本では これだからゆとりは とか言われるのに
24 名前 : 暇つぶしの名無しさん投稿日:2014年07月28日 00:21 ▼このコメントに返信 日本人は過去に負け続け、未来を評価しない。