(cache) Fun With Future!
Fun With Future!
For a bunch of dumb stuff! Drawings too :D












honestly, i dont know why i made this. 

i mean i do but

lmao look at this fucko

"thanks scott pilgrim and adventure time and 80s-90s anime"


This is the shittiest post I’ve seen this month

This is so rude? I’m sorry you feel this way but if you spent less time making bitter posts like this and more time doing the stuff you liked to draw maybe you wouldn’t be so mad about it??

what an infant. stop whining about other peoples’ art and watch frozen again.

It just tells you straight up that the misogynistic ass white supremacists are coming out even more now. They are so mad that people are being represented. SO MAD. They can’t STAND it. So they make passive aggressive ass posts like this one over the fact that brown people, mogii people, and people who are fat are actually getting some love and are seeing themselves more and more in media.

SO MAD. And so they take it out by whinging about ‘being pc’ and shit when really, they are just outing themselves as the very pieces of shit they claim not to be.

Lmao PlebComics is mad because no one likes their shit?

Because we all know that thick/brown/punky women characters “originated” in Tumblr and not any other places, right?

And of course, if every single drawn character on Tumblr fit that bill, how would it weigh against decades of cartoons, comics, etc. that all have Barbie doll white girls and buff-ass teeth gritting white dudes?  I bet there’s even more images of ANIMAL people than WOC, thick women and/or punk girls.

But shh, shh, poor white fee fees sad the whole world doesn’t show 99% whiteness in every view.  Their poor eyes tainted by looking upon a drawing of a character who didn’t fit their beauty standards, never again will they be clean, forever!

Op complains about incestual overtones in a picture on their blog but insulting poc mogai and fat people is aokay!!

Insulting a trend fucking everyone is tired of seeing isn’t racism. Stop being stupid. This isn’t representation, it’s the same god damn character every single fucking time. How is that diversity?

Okay so let’s just stop this shit right the fuck here. YOU do not tell people of color what is and is not racist or what is representation for them/us. If you think artists of color and/or that belong to other marginalized groups making shit that actually reflects us is a “trend” first of all ya fuckin wrong and second of all even if it was a trend it would absolutely not be a bad thing. You must not know white supremacy, huh? The whole kyriarchy thing is too hard for you to understand, right? You can’t be bothered to actually read/listen to the decades of research, recorded real life experiences of, or any of the other resources available to you for free right here online or in the real world that could in laymen’s terms spell the shit out for you, right?

Now the established default for humanity, thanks to white supremacist patriarchy and global colonialism and imperialism, is cis-straight skinny/ athletic able-bodied White males with a lil scruff. Therefore if anyone fucking makes a character that is not that they have diversifiyed. It doesn’t mean their character is the next Nefrititi in how epic and cool they are or how memorable they are. It just means they have in fact shown an example of one of the people who belongs to the majority of the rest of the fucking human population! So of course it’s fucking representation you limp souffle!!!! Hello? Yes, this is the real world where non whites make up the majority of humanity and women are also considered people and not everyone is able bodied and we have various histories that are much older than all the whites with various beliefs about gender that explicitly do not believe in gender or sex binarism or that one group is superior to others?!  

It sounds like you think any character that is multiple things is a token and somehow is boring??? Well back to the whole decades of research bit here. Literally every group that is not that default I mentioned earlier is, in the U.S. at the very least but I’d say the West because I’m sure it probably applies, is severely underrepresented across every form of media and also in positions of power within institutions of power. So if you are seeing a lot of this on one fucking website in one sphere of the like thousands of spheres within said website than that does not equal some “trend” and the implication that said non-existant trend would be bad just shows how much of a sad clown baby you and the fuckin OP of this post are. If you don’t understand diversity that is a you problem. If you don’t understand how representation is and how it works that is a you problem. If you don’t understand why concern trolling people who are upset about someone making a passive aggressive post about them being included in shit by asking something like “This [fat  queer brown woman] isn’t representation, it’s the same [as like 0.001% of the characters/people in mainstream media or pretty much any other circle of tumblr i didn’t bother to look into] thing every single time [because you know the media is full of those brown disabled queer people and I, an angry piece of expired white bread, feel so bombarded with these images i need to call out the whining of these people it actually affects in real life]” then that. is. a . you. problem.   

If you can’t see how making a passive aggressive post that frames underrepresented people being represented in the kind of media/format they enjoy as a bad trend then. that. is. a. you. problem. If it had been about an art style they didn’t like they’d still be a damn soggy ass french fry whining about something that does not affect them in a negative way or really at all but once you bring peoples race and gender and ability into the conversation you fucking step into the realm of adult conversations about power and representation. So don’t fucking backpedal (the OP has) or be a concern troll suddenly pretending to care about diversity, which you have done horribly btw, when people call you out on ya bullshit. Concern trolls the first ones to say “I’m pretty sure that’s not what the OP meant” or “I just want to clarify for the OP” or “See the way your responding only proves them right!” or my favorite “If XYZ bugs you so much why don’t you make your own XYZ!!?!?11”. Like there’s no need to come inhere with ya non-logic usin ass and [poorly] start concern trollin [also poorly].  

Posted on Jul 24, 2014
Via:keozeo Source:abbysucks

Tagged: #representation #bye Felicia #art style

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    If you had any semblance of reading comprehension what-so-ever, you’d understand that this is a parody of artists on...
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