fellow otherkins, welcome

We Heart It에서의 taheitian http://weheartit.com/entry/16954506/via/didhd3026

can’t wait to return to my tissue box soul so that i can cuddle with some cute little bunnies!~


We Heart It에서의 taheitian http://weheartit.com/entry/16954506/via/didhd3026

can’t wait to return to my tissue box soul so that i can cuddle with some cute little bunnies!~

Posted Wed Jul 09 at 8:39am with 3 notes
  1. boxdumps reblogged this from jeongahkim3026 and added:
    can’t wait to return to my tissue box soul so that i can cuddle with some cute little bunnies!~
  2. adviseyourthoughts reblogged this from throughstormyseas
  3. throughstormyseas reblogged this from jeongahkim3026
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