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[–]smurffighter -7 ポイント-6 ポイント

I feel sorry for you guys. I really do. It's almost as if you're denying reality. I'm wondering if you goobers will ever admit you were wrong.

I come here for the comedic value of you guys sticking together pretending like bitcoin isn't spreading at a rapid rate.

This subreddit should make that guy rawdog your community representative.

[–]witchsbrew[S] 6 ポイント7 ポイント

spreading at a rapid rate

Oh wow!!! Newegg!!! Omg! Rapid! Hyperbole! Those are 3rd rate retailers. And no, it's not spreading very fast. I see far more places where I can use Paypal or Square. I think it's hilarious how a bunch of gold-bugs now are fetishizing a "currency" backed by literally nothing. The cognitive dissonance.

You just don't get it.

[–]smurffighter -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

I'm not a GoldBug. You're just being silly by saying overstock, newegg...there are literally 10s of thousands of places and growing every day. Most aren't even on

I'd think Dell and Dish Network accepting bitcoin would have woken you up but clearly you're a bit slow.

[–]Displayer_ 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Merchants accepting bitcoin would be a good thing indeed, the thing is that they are not accepting bitcoin dude, they are accepting BITPAY'S USD OR BITSTAMP'S USD. So when you buy from newegg , for example, using bitcoins, you are actually just giving bitcoins to bitpay, who give newegg actual money (USD) and then bitpay proceeds to sell your bitcoins in the market. In short, when you buy from those companies you mention you are actually selling bitcoins.
All those companies that start "accepting bitcoin" daily (Bitpay's USD) are in FACT a bad thing for bitcoin's price. I hope you understand it, it is not really that hard to grasp the concept.

[–]smurffighter -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Of course they transfer many of the bitcoins for USD. USD is accepted in more places. That's not hard to understand is it. Do you think the emergence of a new type of currency is going to suddenly end the dollar. That's silly. The BEST thing is for a payment processor to allow companies to accept both and decide how much of each they like to keep.

You're just closing your eyes to the advancement of bitcoin. A company like Dell is NOT going to back something they think will fail and they certainly won't promote it to other vendors. Dell knows that if more vendors accept bitcoin, the ecosystem will slowly change and not only will they pay less in fees accepting bitcoin, they'll also pay less buying things with bitcoin. If it becomes an established currency, that would also be a huge bonus to them AS IT WOULD EVERY HUMAN ON THE PLANET.

It boggles my mind that folks here think a system where a central bank and a banking system gets to create all new money and do with it as they choose...within "guidelines". It's not a coincidence that the gap between the wealthy and the poor grew at such a rapid rate after the 70s when the dollar went off the gold standard. Turns out, if you give groups of people absolute authority to create money, they'll enrich friends and family as much as possible--who'da thunk it.

[–]The_Savior_SatoshiBad actor that the free market can't weed out 3 ポイント4 ポイント

A few years back Dell allowed people to purchase systems with Linux on them instead of Windows. This was touted by true-blue hardcore Linux enthusiasts as the thing that would break the back of Microsoft.

Other than for a few big-iron servers, you can no longer get a Dell system with Linux on it.

[–]smurffighter 0 ポイント1 ポイント

You're talking to the wrong person if you're going to lie. Sometimes that shit sticks but not here. I personally buy Dell Servers all the time with RedHat Enterprise 6.5 pre-installed.

Perhaps you mean on the Desktop alone? Not many people were predicting this would mean the end of Desktop Windows.

Also, in case you haven't noticed, more and more business is moving to Android tablets and phones. Perhaps you're not aware this is a linux kernel.

[–]dalovindj 0 ポイント1 ポイント


[–]herpherpherpher 1 ポイント2 ポイント

It's not a coincidence that the gap between the wealthy and the poor grew at such a rapid rate after the 70s when the dollar went off the gold standard. Turns out, if you give groups of people absolute authority to create money, they'll enrich friends and family as much as possible--who'da thunk it.

lol... jesus christ. EDIT: lern sum corel8shun verse is cozzachun.

[–]smurffighter -1 ポイント0 ポイント

What would you do if you had the power to give loans to who you like? I'd give them to friends and family as much as I could. So would 99% of the planet. Why even give someone that power? It's just fucking stupid.