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[–]HappyAnon1 4 ポイント5 ポイント

She shouldn't have broken into the home in the first place. It doesn't belong to her and she knew it was wrong. That man is 80 years old, this case is messed up. He was defending him home.

[–]aspbergerinparadise -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

please tell me how shooting a person in the back as they run away is "defense"?

edit: seems that the gun nuts are here.

[–]HappyAnon1 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Here, I'll explain. Some random chick broke into HIS home ILLEGALLY. I don't care which direction they're facing, they could be walking backwards on their hands. Fortunately I live in a state that doesn't reward criminals, it's assumed if someone breaks into my home illegally- it's to cause my family or my home harm and I'm able to defend myself....not wait for them to give me a heart attack and say oops sorry. Castle Doctrine should be more widely adopted. Why are you defending criminal actions?

[–]mrjackspade 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Problem is that according to other sources_ he shot and incapacitated her OUTSIDE his home as she was FLEEING. Then, while she was on the ground begging for her life, he shot her again killing her. OUTSIDE HIS HOME