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Submitted on
July 5
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Vegan Artbook 01 - Superstition by Rafflessian Vegan Artbook 01 - Superstition by Rafflessian

This comic was created by :iconhewart: 


Traducción (ES)

Monstruo 1: Comer cerebros de mono te hace más inteligente
Chico carnívoro: Eres un idiota por creer  eso
Monstruo 2: Comer penes de tigre incrementa tu fuerza
Chico carnívoro: Eres un idiota por creer eso
Monstruo 3: Comer humanos te permite obtener y absorber sus espíritus y habilidades
Chico carnívoro: Eres un idiota por creer eso
Monstruo 4: Beber la leche materna de otras especies durante la edad adulta te dará huesos fuertes
Chico carnívoro: WHOA, eso sí me lo creo

¿Sabías que en la Inglaterra medieval los padres ataban los pies de un conejo alrededor de los cuellos de sus bebés para evitar enfermedades? Los médicos también escupían en heridas porque creían que la saliva tenia propiedades curativas. Así es, la historia está llena de infundadas creencias de salud  y en detrimento de todo el mundo, el mito de la leche es uno de los más tenaces

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Testingte Featured By Owner Jul 13, 2014  Hobbyist General Artist
Not to push the facts here, but...

Milk hasn't been the proven thing to give strong bones, Calcium is.

Look around at most Silk Soymilk cartons and they exclaim how they have 50% more calcium than ordinary milk, so it's not specific to cow's milk.

In fact, you'll find that almonds, dark leafy greens, chinese cabbage, broccoli, tofu, green snap beans,  are all high in calcium.

Now the harsher facts...

There are so many cows now because humans manually, repeatedly, impregnate them so that they can continue to produce milk.

Humans also pump them full of hormones and such so that they produce FAR more milk than natural (they are only supposed to produce enough for their young)

The hormones often-times find its way into the milk into stores, which is probably the reason more and more people have allergies to milk. (I know someone who didn't used to be allergic to milk, then gradually obtained a lactose intolerance to the point where the lactaid pills did nothing)

Because of the hormones (not to mention the stress of being repeatedly impregnated) cows in the Factory live roughly 4 years at best, before they no longer produce milk and are therefore sent to the slaughterhouse.

A healthy, natural, cow regularly lives roughly 20 years.
Rafflessian Featured By Owner Jul 13, 2014  Hobbyist
Did the milk give you strong bones?
Sagojyousartpage Featured By Owner Jul 11, 2014  Hobbyist General Artist
These are all awesome!
Since I don't have facebook, I really appreciate you putting the comics here! :D
Rafflessian Featured By Owner Jul 11, 2014  Hobbyist
thanks, and i am planning to put them all
Sagojyousartpage Featured By Owner Jul 13, 2014  Hobbyist General Artist
Np! :D
xpegasus12 Featured By Owner Jul 7, 2014
Uhm, milk contain calcium, and 99% of the body's calcium is in our bones and teeth and when the body starts running low it starts taking calcium from the bones, which weakens them, milk also contains vitamin A, vitamin B-12, and other vitamins, so the belief that drinking milk can strengthen your bones isn't just a rumor spread by dairy companies, it has grounding in reality, the other examples given have no real grounding in reality.
Rafflessian Featured By Owner Jul 7, 2014  Hobbyist
of course, everything the society tell us is true like the cat has nine lives, right? :giggle:
xpegasus12 Featured By Owner Jul 7, 2014
So you're telling me I don't need to cook meat before eating it, and I can eat and drink things long past there expiration dates, and I can smoke and drink with no negative consequences?

But in all seriousness you must admit there is truth in my words, anything that contains high amounts of calcium will help strengthen your bones, it's not just milk and other dairy products. Also I find it very disrespectful personally and to the entire scientific community to rebuttal 
with a figure of speech when I used facts in my argument.

Look I don't dislike vegans, some of my best friends are vegetarians, but I just find this comic a little disrespectful because it doesn't acknowledge scientific facts, but I find the second one very funny because I do know of some people like that.
papao156 Featured By Owner Jul 6, 2014  Student Artist
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