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[–]BonSequitur 47 ポイント48 ポイント

Hello Reddit - /r/AskHistorians moderator here. I'd just like to remind you to read our rules before posting. We disable downvotes on our subreddit's stylesheet, and so we'd also ask you not to downvote - if a post is breaking the rules, report it and it'll be gone, gone, very shortly.

[–]Raven0520 10 ポイント11 ポイント


Last time I saw someone complain about getting banned from AskHistorians, I checked their history and discovered he was literally a Neo-Nazi.

[–]jerseycityfrankie -13 ポイント-12 ポイント

Well I'm not a neo nazi but I DO have a problem with Ask Historians. Its too much like a private club, not a place for open discussion. Its not like a regular reddit page where anyone can participate. Also the way the moderators on that subreddit behave is too out in the open. I have always said that good internet moderation is invisible. I shouldn't be seeing someone saying "Hi, I'm a moderator".

[–]JtheNinja 10 ポイント11 ポイント

Yeah, but that's the entire point, and it's spelled out pretty plainly. It's r/askhistorians, not r/discusshistory.

[–]FlySammyJ 4 ポイント5 ポイント

Also the way the moderators on that subreddit behave is too out in the open.

I thought we liked transparency? I hear people complaining about being banned from one sub or another without explanation all the time. I've never heard anyone say that about AskHistorians.

[–]jerseycityfrankie -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Ask historians is a very popular subreddit. I just happened to have the opinion that its too heavily screened with moderators doing a lot of posturing. Its not like the rest of reddit.- Although I should say I stopped going there a long time ago, maybe it changed?

[–]Raven0520 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Its not like a regular reddit page where anyone can participate.

Maybe that's why it's called "AskHistorians", and not "AskReddit."

Also the way the moderators on that subreddit behave is too out in the open. I have always said that good internet moderation is invisible. I shouldn't be seeing someone saying "Hi, I'm a moderator".

Yeah, how dare they state the rules of their subreddit over and over again in an attempt to get people to actually follow them. It would be better for them to just ban things without explanation, so /r/conspiracy can theorize they're run by Jooos.