Jul 24, 2014 / 2 notes

Oh my god somebody PLEASE help me

so one of my best friends (white girl) is doing mission work in Ghana. She lowkey has white savior complex but she’s a sweet Christian girl so I let her live. but y’all…

okay she told me she was getting braids for the rest of her trip. I thought she was getting the typical white girl on vacation, half braid back with beads jawn 


which is WHYte? enough…..but y’all….

I need your help. Can someone please explain to me why she has poetic justice/solange/beyonce braids?!

she sent me a picture and I just….i don’t even know how to respond. I want to post the picture but i know it’ll go viral so i’m not gonna do her like that ( silentnefertiti & brilliant-plan you will be getting this photo…act responsibly)  but what should I say? this isn’t the best time to teach someone about cultural appropriation? and i can’t exactly tell her she looks the fuck turrible, tactfully…especially from across the world. what would you do?

  1. culturalappropriationon reblogged this from callmekhala and added:
    Friends don’t let friends look bad. If the hair style is not for her, you got to say so. Now, what culture is she...
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