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[–]Wooshio -49 ポイント-48 ポイント

They are muslims though.

[–]bunglejerry 59 ポイント60 ポイント

No they're not. They don't observe the basic tenets of Islam, first and foremost being that "there is no god but God and Muhammad is His prophet"; in considering Wallace Muhammad Fard to be divine, they are guilty of apostasy in the eyes of Islam:

"Allah came to us from the Holy City Mecca, Arabia, in 1930. He used the name Wallace D. Fard, often signing it W. D. Fard, in the third year (1933). He signed his name W. F. Muhammad which stands for Wallace Fard Muhammad. He came alone. He began teaching us the knowledge of ourselves, of God and the devil, of the measurement of the earth, of other planets, and of the civilizations of some of the planets other than earth."

[–]No-BrandHero10 6 ポイント7 ポイント

I just can't take a man named 'Fard' seriously.

[–]Oznog99 2 ポイント3 ポイント

This MUST be an anagram or something... there's a message here!

[–]IbtiCool [score hidden]

Fard in Arabic means a person

[–]Balbanes42 -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Fucked a redneck's daughter?

[–]Dookiestain_LaFlair 14 ポイント15 ポイント

Do they sell T-shirts that say "Who Farded?"

[–]totes_meta_bot 2 ポイント3 ポイント

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[–]Abradolph_Lincler 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Here you go!

[–]Zecriss 4 ポイント5 ポイント

I have no knowledge of this group other than what you just told me- but that doesn't seem to contradict the tenant of Islam as you described it.

Allah assumed another form. That doesn't mean he's not still Allah. So worshiping him does not mean the person is worshiping a God other than Allah, and does not imply that the person believes in any God other than Allah.

[–]Revenax 7 ポイント8 ポイント

Using the knowledge you were just presented, that definitely seems to be a viable conclusion to reach.

However, in Islam, it is believed that Allah does not manifest in that manner, and that the prophets (Abraham, Jesus, Muhammad, etc) are the ones chosen to relay his messages to his believers. It is firmly expressed in all original Muslim texts and literature that Allah is the only one to be worshiped, and that there is nothing physical (humans and prophets included) that one should worship. It is an extremely important belief that one should not worship Muhammad (or again, any other prophet) at all, but rather respect and follow his teachings, nothing more.

One of the most common sayings/prayers done by all Muslims says, translated, that "Allah is the one and only god, and that Muhammad is his final messenger". That core tenet expands out to be that there are no more teachings from Allah past what was relayed from Muhammad and what can be derived from his life. It is something that even Muslim children are taught and can recite easily.

[–]Thelonious_Cube [score hidden]

I don't know... If Mormons are Christians (and they say they are and get away with it) then aren't these guys a "Muslim Splinter Group" or something?

[–]oakstave -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Well now hold on here. By that definition, Shiites aren't muslim either.

[–]actuallycharliebrown 5 ポイント6 ポイント

not that i can see

a muslim doesnt have to believe that muhammed is god's only prophet, just that he is one of god's prophets

they also don't believe in another god

(unless shiites don't observe a different tenet of islam-if so, i apologise)

[–]oakstave 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Thanks for the polite reply!

I see your point, but the Sunnis have accused Shia of heresy, and for similar reasons. This is from an article from The Economist:

"Today the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims all agree that Allah is the only God and Muhammad his messenger. They follow five ritualistic pillars of Islam, including Ramadan, the month of fasting, and share a holy book, the Koran. But while Sunnis rely heavily on the practice of the Prophet and his teachings (the “sunna”), the Shia see their ayatollahs as reflections of God on earth. (Emphasis mine.) This has led Sunnis to accuse Shia of heresy, while Shia point out that Sunni dogmatism has led to extremist sects such as the puritanical Wahhabis. Most Shia sects place importance on the belief that the twelfth and final imam is hidden (called "in occultation") and will reappear one day to fulfill divine will. Meanwhile, their sense of marginalisation and oppression has led to mourning ceremonies such as ashura, when followers flagellate themselves to commemorate Hussein’s death at Karbala."

I suppose you can argue whether or not there is a difference between 'reflections of God on Earth' and what the NOI is preaching, but they both seem to highlight the point that some branches of Islam believe there are people with divine characteristics that live on the Earth.

It's a subtle point, but I think worthy of thought.

[–]Thorolf_Kveldulfsson 4 ポイント5 ポイント

It sounds like how Protestants accuse Catholics of worshipping saints and Mary as gods

[–]oakstave 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I believe that's the perfect analogy.


[–]actuallycharliebrown 1 ポイント2 ポイント

fair enough! i see what you mean-it's definitely a point that needs to be discussed, and yeah, by that definition it could be construed that the shia aren't muslim

[–]reshadahsan 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Shiite's dont consider any figure other than god to have divinity, they believe that Imam Ali should have succeeded the caliphate

[–]MoarStruts 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Shiites probably think Sunnis aren't Muslims, and vice versa.

[–]frotc914 0 ポイント1 ポイント

And catholics are polygamous non-christians,

and mormons are non-christians,

and messianic jews are not jews...

It's all a matter of perspective.

[–]UltimateShipThe2nd 1 ポイント2 ポイント

And catholics are polygamous non-christians,

Polygamous? The Catholics are many things, but nowhere among them is polygamous.

[–]frotc914 [score hidden]

There's a "holy trinity" and a bunch of saints with superpowers.

It's not my argument, I'm just making a point.

[–]EwanWhoseArmy 43 ポイント44 ポイント

They are really not, Malcolm X went to an actual Mosque and realised it was bullcrap.

Muslims HAVE to be non racial so its about as close to Islam as Scientology is to Christianity

[–]IronPentacarbonyl 21 ポイント22 ポイント

Malcolm X went to an actual Mosque and realised it was bullcrap.

And then they killed him. So, not too far from Scientology, actually.

[–]TheOnlyPanda 25 ポイント26 ポイント

The Nation of Islam killed him when he tried to bring actual islamic belief to them.

[–]roguevalley 3 ポイント4 ポイント


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[–]afbwelter 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Yeah. Technically, they are. Kind of in the same way the Church of Latter Day Saints and the Catholic Churches are both Christian Churches.