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[–]BobRumpson -18 ポイント-17 ポイント

The absolute last thing I would do to a friend of mine is report him to the government.

That said, it's totally the right thing to do to use any non-violent means necessary to try to prevent him from driving drunk. Ultimately, though, it's the responsibility of the dumbass friend to make the right choice and not drive when he's in a condition where he could hurt someone. We all have to be responsible for ourselves and we're not responsible to each other to the degree that we should use physical violence in order to get them to behave the way we think they ought to behave. That's precisely what the government does and why I would never report a friend in this way, even if he were doing something dangerous.

[–]DreadlordCherryCake 10 ポイント11 ポイント

Seriously? Yeah, I agree everyone is absolutely responsible for themselves... but sometimes people make REALLY dumb decisions, and while I am all for the darwinian attitude of having people weed themselves out of the gene pool, that doesn't do jack crap to protect others. By all means, take their keys first. Make it so that they can't drive drunk- even risk ruining the friendship... but failing that? All told, you're still willing to not call police based on your own personal political beliefs? Ugh. I fail to see how protecting someone who is making a stupid decision really benefits anyone.