Dear white/cis feminists: stop going bra-less

[TW: racism, colonialism, cissexism, classism, bodies]


There is nothing ‘feminist’ about not wearing a bra. NOTHING. in fact it is a deeply problematic act. if you are a white cis woman who doesn’t wear a bra you are contributing A LOT to multiple forms of oppression. first it’s a known fact that white women are more likely to not wear a bra over cis WoC. this is because WoC feel the NEED to live up to colonial white beauty standards and do whatever they can to do so, so NOT WEARING A BRA IS A PRIVILEGE FOR WHITE CISWOMEN TO ENJOY. it is also problematic for trans women and femme presenting non-binary people since we HAVE to wear bras in order to PROVE our femininity, so NOT ONLY ARE YOU CONTRIBUTING TO THE COLONIZATION OF CWOC BUT ALSO THE COLONIZATION OF ALL TRANS WOMEN. It is highly oppressive of white cis feminists to be bare-chested for this reason.

Also many economically underprivileged women (both cis and trans) NEED to wear bras in order to get a job and work, so going bra-less also contributes to capitalism and the further dehumanization of the poor.

Decolonize clothing.

  1. bloggingundertheradar reblogged this from youspyrosa and added:
    Thank you youspyrosa for you balanced response to thecheckingofprivilege’s post. You struck gold with the line: ”Ladies:...
  2. youspyrosa reblogged this from checkingoftheprivilege and added:
    I am a little unsure as to whether you’re trolling or not, as your post is filled with so many gender-policing...
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  4. turbosoccermomcar reblogged this from thespecialsnowflakesyndrome and added:
    Fuckin kill me theyre turning on each other now
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