Cis people are entirely wrong about gender.

July 17, 2014 at 08:53.38 PM
TAGGED WITH; -cis -cishet -cisgender -cisgendered -cisphobia
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    Says the person with made up pronouns.
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    Cis meaning ?
  15. scottpilgrirn reblogged this from gendermoony
  16. supercooldude52 reblogged this from idislikecispeople and added:
    Except no they aren’t. Cis scientists and students are smart enough to know the difference between male and female. Stop...
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  21. waepenlesbian reblogged this from baeddelpherneliatakesthesquare and added:
    Cis people are entirely wrong. Period.
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This is IDCP's backup blog.

My name is Kat, think of it like a nickname. I'm the tucute queen, a gorgeous trans girl, my preferred pronouns are kit/kits/kitself.     ♥

I'm just a badass magical girl here to voice her outrage against privileged, self-important cis people who think they are allowed to push their opinions in on trans matters. As well as attempting to stop truscum because they were once magical but got corrupted and I aim to collect their valuable grief seeds.

About // FAQ // Selfies
Nifty blogs // Rudy // Who is Kat?
I like cis people // I dislike cis people
ϟ jean