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[–]stevenjhepburn -15 ポイント-14 ポイント

which is definitely creepy and uncool.

Isn't it just called flirting? It's amazing how the same actions can be "creepy and uncool" sometimes and "hot and cute" at others purely through how attracted someone is to the complimenter.

[–]chancala 9 ポイント10 ポイント

Most people, when flirting, look for signs of reciprocation, which are likely to appear if there is mutual attraction. If someone continues to flirt when he or she is not seeing those signs, that's a problem.

[–]Svataben 18 ポイント19 ポイント

That is amazing?

Seriously, are you amazed that when we are attracted to someone and they act appropriately for our tastes, we like them better than someone we find unattractive and who is either clueless or uncaring about our tastes?

Dude, really?

[–]thenileablaze 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Reminds me of the Dobbler/Dahmer theory from how I met your mother.

[–]clayleviathan [score hidden]

What I meant was that his assumptions, like putting his arm around OP was OK, were creepy and uncool. There is nothing wrong with flirting, but he also should have noticed that OP didn't seem to even notice his flirtation. In that case, he could have been a little more direct, in a respectful way, or left OP alone. I mean, the fact that he didn't even notice that OP was not responding to his advances is pretty weird in and of itself.