My name is Eli. PoliSci student in Atlanta. I'm queer. They/their pronouns please. I love Star Trek, Sherlock, Supernatural (no spoilers!! on season 6), Firefly, and whole bunch of other stuff. If you go to Dragon*Con in Atlanta, hit me up because I go every year!! Right now I'm in a Star Trek: Voyager mood so beware!!
{ I ♥ KOCK }
  • Truscum:

    You must have dysphoria to be trans!!

  • Non-binary people:

    I often hate my body because it can never define who I am. Sometimes I can wake up and feel happy. I can feel good about where I am, how I'm presenting and how I look. Then in a second it can change drastically. I can hate everything. I can be unbelievable uncomfortable with everything and especially the position I am in society. I'm not anything. I legally don't exist. I don't have a binary gender and it's impossible to explain that to the world around me...

  • Truscum:


  • Non-binary people:

    Please don't define me or label me for yourself. I am in no way cisgender.

  • Truscum:


  • Non-binary people:

    Did you hear me? I have dysphoria. But I don't want to take hormones or get surgeries...well, maybe one day I will but–

  • Truscum:


  • Non-binary people:

    Wait, can you–

  • Truscum:


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  13. inadistantworld reblogged this from logical-deduction
  14. magical-tucute reblogged this from byetruscum
  15. soytranburger reblogged this from uebercharge and added:
    oh my god, i literally just told this person that no truscum would do that and thay seemed to understand, but now this?...
  16. rensouhouchan reblogged this from noitemsfoxonlyfinaldestination
  17. cronebula reblogged this from the-insanity-of-a-manatee
  18. noitemsfoxonlyfinaldestination reblogged this from uebercharge
  19. spysbaguette reblogged this from uebercharge
  20. the-insanity-of-a-manatee reblogged this from byetruscum
  21. uebercharge reblogged this from trudandy and added:
    Hello, nonbinary truscum here, this is a disgusting strawman (✿◠‿◠)
  22. friedfrogs-and-brokendishes reblogged this from logical-deduction and added:
    how do you explain non binary truscum
  23. punnpkaboos reblogged this from trudandy and added:
    Fun fact: this is a thing that NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS LOL
  24. acatwalkedacrossthekeyboard reblogged this from byetruscum
  25. bigender-defender reblogged this from trudandy and added:
    As a non-binary truscum, it hasn’t. Make-believe confirmed for favorite anti-truscum pastime.
  26. trudandy reblogged this from logical-deduction and added:
    has this actually ever happened or
  27. tucuteforlife reblogged this from byetruscum