all 96 comments

[–]DeFactoiddSpring 29 ポイント30 ポイント

If he really wanted to write about a "shit show of racists" he should've picked up any of several of those threads discussing immigration.

[–]beernerdFriendswood 24 ポイント25 ポイント

“Their culture legitimizes violence and ignorance, listen to 97.9 for a couple tracks and see why these guys think this shit is cool,” wrote user GeauxHouston22. “If you call it out, guess what: you’re a filthy awful racist.”

He probably didn't realize the scope of his prediction. But the author's argument hinges on the assumption that "their culture" means "black culture" when it could just as easily mean "gang culture". You don't have to be black to be a part of gang culture, and you would have a hard time arguing that gang culture is unfairly stereotyped as one that "legitimizes violence".

I also find it a bit ironic that the author is making generalizations about an entire subreddit based on the comments of a few members.

[–]HellsHalfAcre 6 ポイント7 ポイント

That is what I pulled away as well. He takes a comment clearly pointed at gang/hiphop culture and immediately makes is a "black culture" thing. I know tons of whites and hispanics and asians who glorify that culture and I think they're all equally stupid. Check out this guy. Born in Houston, raised in a nice white neighborhood. But he is all tatted up, sagging his pants and glorifying that culture. He's also white if you haven't noticed.

But Kyle Nazario, the "author" of this article makes a leap that just isn't there to try and write a click bait hit piece and get noticed. Pretty shithead thing to do.

[–]beernerdFriendswood 2 ポイント3 ポイント

And as a result, FPH readers think /r/houston is nothing more than a racist community.

[–]RootHoustonUniversity of Houston 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Yeah, for the record. That was what I was trying to get at by saying this wasn't a "black culture" issue. It's a "ghetto culture" (I guess you could say "gang culture") issue.

[–]beernerdFriendswood 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Ghetto Culture does sound more accurate.

[–]poptamalePearland -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

nope most of that thread specifically said "black culture" and not "hip hop" or 'gangster culture".

[–]beernerdFriendswood 7 ポイント8 ポイント

I just read the thread and most of the comments are not racist at all. And I was only referring to the comment I quoted. Stop trying to misrepresent the facts.

[–]poptamalePearland -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

Dude we must not be reading the same article, im reading things like "Because in general, white, American culture does NOT legitimize violence..." and "Something is very wrong within the black community..." oh and ""Savages, the whole lot of ‘em." and lets not forget "Can we send them back to New Orleans yet?"

What exactly am i misrepresenting cause those were all comments above the negative (hidden) threshold?

[–]beernerdFriendswood 5 ポイント6 ポイント

You're cherry picking a couple of racist comments in a thread with dozens of non-racist and even anti-racist comments. That's the very definition of misrepresentation.

[–]poptamalePearland -1 ポイント0 ポイント

look we obviously see that thread 2 different ways (glass half empty/full) so i'll agree to disagree...

[–]boshausFirst Ward -1 ポイント0 ポイント

[–]poptamalePearland -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Yes i do, and while i see people arguing back and forth, my point was that the racist comments existed throughout this thread, and many were kept alive by other racist.

[–]dmorg18Downtown 36 ポイント37 ポイント

Why is Free Press doing half-baked social commentary? I thought they booked mediocre lineups.

[–]NuclearWookiee -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

SJW race and gender wars are guaranteed link-bait. It's proliferating there for the same reason it appears on web version of otherwise-reputable outfits like Time and the Guardian.

[–]CheapBeerBellaire -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Lol, did you finally get banned under your original name for making so many inflammatory comments, dumbass?

[–]NuclearWookiee -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Not in /r/houston.

[–]garenzy 6 ポイント7 ポイント

This can be easily solved by replacing any instance of "black culture" with "mainstream rap culture".

e.g. "There will always be crazy people who do crazy shit regardless of race...but EVERYTHING about black mainstream rap culture in America glorifies violence and drugs and general savagery..."Look how cool it is to be a criminal!" is the general attitude."

[–]RootHoustonUniversity of Houston -1 ポイント0 ポイント

This culture is not really about black people after all. It's about a culture that is transcendent of color.

[–]RootHoustonUniversity of Houston 3 ポイント4 ポイント

It seems like FPH writer is pissed off about someone generalizing "black culture", yet turns around and does the same thing about both black and white cultures just in the opposite way. It's not that simple. Ghetto culture is not a color issue. It's an American issue.

[–]pscrantonMissouri City 14 ポイント15 ポイント

Racist comments from anonymous posters on the internet? Say it ain't so! Not real news, promotes witch hunting, and all around butthurt

[–]SabinatheBrainSpring Branch 8 ポイント9 ポイント


[–]drewgrizThe Heights[S] 13 ポイント14 ポイント

I'm fully aware this is gonna be a shit post with shit comments, but the karma struggle is real, fellas.

That said, I think the article has some valid points, the most notable of which was that there's a lot more to "black culture" than radio hip-hop, and it's pretty reductive to characterize a culture by what Clear Channel is trying to sell them. Like calling MTV "American Culture" or 93Q Country "White Culture," it's not entirely incorrect, but it leaves a lot out. Most of the other points aren't really anything new.

Of course, the author isn't actually trying to understand anyone's point of view, nor is he really trying to convince anyone to change their thinking, but rather just pointing at people and calling names and preaching to the Tumblr choir about how ignorant random internet commenters are.

[–]beernerdFriendswood 24 ポイント25 ポイント

He also neglects to point out that the majority of those racist comments were eventually downvoted out of sight.

[–]phorkor 7 ポイント8 ポイント

Noting that would have defeated the point of the article. It's key to leave specific details out in order to make your point relevant.

[–]poptamalePearland 9 ポイント10 ポイント

The most racist comment that this article was made for was the most upvoted comment in that post.

[–]beernerdFriendswood 2 ポイント3 ポイント

That's tough to verify seeing as the top comment has been deleted, but I did say "majority" rather than "all".

[–]spikeyfreakKaty -1 ポイント0 ポイント

And the responses are all talking about car shows, not anything inherently racist.

[–]boshausFirst Ward 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Agreed, and there were tons of comments (with lots of upvotes) calling out the racism that he glossed over.

[–]Zaracen 1 ポイント2 ポイント

We're talking about one thread but I've read plenty of racist things in this sub before. I think it's part internet anonymity and part misunderstanding. The bottom line is we're all human beings and hating each other for being a different race is getting us no where.

[–]-YOU-ARE-WRONG- 5 ポイント6 ポイント

FPH should do a bit about racists on comments section next. Really ground breaking news material here folks.

[–]bdo11 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Nobody likes a whiner.

[–]phorkor 2 ポイント3 ポイント

I kind of wanted to comment, "Welcome to the internet" and leave it at that. While I don't necessarily disagree with what he wrote, he's beating a dead horse here. It's the internet. It's a public forum where people can hide behind screen names and say whatever ignorant thing they fell the need to and not have to stand by their words. It's been like this since the late 80's/early 90's with BBS's, IRC, AOL and likes. But hey, lets point it out again, and again, and again, and again. Plus, who cares what 50 people out of nearly 22k who are subbed have to say. It doesn't mean it's the collective attitude towards whatever specific race is the subject at the moment. Someone pointed out that one of the comments he mentioned was the top post in the thread. Ok, so what? Did it get 10k+ upvotes? If not, it's still not even half of the sub agreeing with the comment so it still doesn't represent how the majority of /r/houston feels.

I get it, he wants to point out that racism is still alive and kicking in America and more specifically, in /r/houston. Cudos bud, you pointed out the obvious. Not saying it's right, just that it's silly to point it out every 30 seconds when half the time it's just people saying stupid shit to get a rise out of others.

[–]PyrofalloutMontrose 2 ポイント3 ポイント

This article sucks almost as much as that thread. You're better than this hot air FPH.

[–]emcitymisfit 1 ポイント2 ポイント

No, they're really not unfortunately.

[–]GeauxHouston22Sugar Land 17 ポイント18 ポイント

hey I'm famous. neat.

they even linked to my little list of reddit comments... craziness. I never for a second thought anyone cared enough about what I post here to extrapolate it and bring it to the attention of people outside reddit.

I feel flattered and confused.

[–]Obnoxious_liberalMontrose[🍰] 8 ポイント9 ポイント

Damn it Geaux. I was just agreeing with you the other day, and now you pull this.

[–]GeauxHouston22Sugar Land 7 ポイント8 ポイント

hey don't look at me, I have really different views on different stuff. I'm a fuggin' maverick.

Yes, I was the one arguing for people to see how these little kids coming over the border should be clothed and housed and fed, so despite what this FPH thinks I am not actually Bill O'Reilly IRL

[–]Reeko_Htown 6 ポイント7 ポイント

You should feel a little embarressed but hey I guess that's a fuck you stopped giving a while ago.

[–]GeauxHouston22Sugar Land 16 ポイント17 ポイント


it's a fuck I never gave

[–]Mejica -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Shit is intense, being from the border and having lived in Houston. Before Houston i was biased, but now i think that ppl that travel that far to work should just stay home and make their country better. Yes that means contemplating my return to Mexico.

[–]notjane 5 ポイント6 ポイント

I saw you were mentioned & said, "Awww go geauxhouston22!!!" Lol

[–]GeauxHouston22Sugar Land 1 ポイント2 ポイント


[–]Mejica 2 ポイント3 ポイント

All i could think of was, damn he didn't block out the names. And was that a shameless plug at the end?

[–]Reddit_Always_RightMidtown 12 ポイント13 ポイント

Look, I don't condone 99.99% of these comments a single bit. But there is a disconnect when he slams Bill Cosby for saying certain sub-cultures breed negativity.

The author is equating negative comments toward a culture with prejudice against a race. Isn't that actually racist? Whites, Hispanics, inuits, native Americans, can all be part of that culture, right? Aren't you making the racist assumption that this cultural space could only be occupied with black people?

I come from Wyoming where, frankly, almost everyone is white. It is interesting to see how the same cultures exist in the north, yet they have entirely different demographics. People still voice disapproval of the car-loitering, gangster rap listening, aftermarket, lowriders, etc... All the crap complained about in these comments. But in the North, you can't just default to saying "RACISTTTTTTTTTT" because... Well... They are all white.

If a culture glorifies violence and hate, then I believe it is OK to not be supportive.

Unless, of course, you think culture should also be a legally protected class?

[–]the_toaster_lied 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Because the comments about the different "culture" are generalizing about the entire race.

And when someone says "something is very wrong with the black community", that is a negative comment against a race.

Try reading it again.

[–]Reddit_Always_RightMidtown 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Reread his article or Bill Cosby's statements that he is blasting?

Edit: you can downvote me, but it's a fair question... I was challenged to "reread something" rather than given any actual thoughtful points directed anywhere. What should I reread? Where can I begin this wild goose chase?

[–]stogiethedog 2 ポイント3 ポイント

First of all, "I hate the culture, not the people" is the oldest trick in the racist book. You can pretend it's not racism, but when you call it black culture, and assume every black person practices it until proven white enough for you, and the majority of the members of the culture are black, guess what, it's still fucking racist.

Furthermore, why are people acting like culture is some conscious choice? Could a random white American choose to be a member of the Chinese culture? Of course not, culture is dictated by your surroundings, your peers, your family, etc. This "ghetto culture" so many people pretend to be angry with also includes completely innocent and good people who just have to live in a poor neighborhood. The ghettos that exist in America are a result of the institutionalized racism that, while eroding as progress marches on, has controlled the destiny of many black Americans. To automatically decide that anyone who is a member of it is bad is inherently racist, besides, many people who dress like "thugs" and listen to rap music are completely lawful people.

At the very best, the "it's the hip hop culture" argument is extremely classist. At worst, it's classist and racist. But I think arguing the semantics of culture vs. the individual is just another tactic racists use to sidestep allegations of hate. Those weren't meaningful discussions of the differences in culture. They weren't debates on the differences in morality two groups of people can have. It wasn't a forum on the harm that a culture's worst aspects can do to a person. It was a hate-fest where bigots took a singular incident and decided to damn as many people they didn't like as possible, and no amount of post hoc rationalization will change that.

[–]Reddit_Always_RightMidtown 4 ポイント5 ポイント

Just to repeat myself:

I don't condone 99.99% of these comments a single bit

But if the author is really going to write an article pretending to shed the light on the most PC way we all out to strive to be, then I really think he ought to clean up his own remarks to get things set straight.

I agree that a lot of people use the "culture not race" thing as a way to make it ok to hate against a certain race. But I literally can name three people right now that are part of the Chinese and Korean cultures, that are white (red hair, freckles, bright as whiteout). They live it, breath it, and eat it (literally), day in all day every day. These people never want to hang out with me unless it is in China town.

Culture may not be a choice for everyone, but it certainly is a choice for a lot of people (maybe even most). Are you telling me I (7/8 white, 1/8 native american) can't join the "rap culture?" Why not? Can I join the "black culture?" If not, then it isn't a culture you're referring to, it's a race.

From the article:

“Their culture legitimizes violence and ignorance, listen to 97.9 for a couple tracks and see why these guys think this shit is cool,” wrote user GeauxHouston22. “If you call it out, guess what: you’re a filthy awful racist.”

You know why people call you a filthy awful racist? Because calling black culture synonymous with violence and ignorance is racist. You’re discriminating by race and making unfounded generalizations about an entire race of people.

I didn't read GeauxHouston's comments, so maybe elsewhere he directly referenced black people... but no where in the quote did he mention black people. He said "their culture," and he said if you listen to rap music, you'll see violence in that culture. I'd also like to reiterate that you can hear rap being played throughout that entire video.

Why jump to the conclusion that he is talking about "black culture," and why jump to the conclusion that he is referring to the race? Can't a person just dislike aggression, rap and tricked out cars? What's so wrong with that? Can't a person dislike loitering?

In my hometown in Wyoming, there was a grocery store called "Smiths." All the "Cowboys" would go there with their lift-kit trucks, loud deisel engines, smokestack exhaust systems, and they would loiter, drink, get in fist-fights, and then race their trucks up and down "CY Avenue." A lot of people hated that shit. They called them "those people." They began to hate the music those cowboys listened to, and started hating on lift-kits, and smokestack exhaust systems. People started to hate on "shit kickers" (boots), and Levi 501's. But no one called them racist. Why? Because it has nothing to do with race, and because they were all white so you couldn't pass the blame off onto race.

I'm literally just looking for some help here. PLEASE forget about the obvious racist people, becuase I dont' care about them and fully disagree with racism. But I dont' like loitering. I dont' like gangster rap (I need a melody). And I don't like violence. I don't like parking lot shoot outs. Does that make me racist, since apparently the author of this article has determined those elements are synonymous with "black culture," and can't seem to figure out if he thinks "black culture" is a race or a culture?

The author simultaneously refers to "black culture" as something that isn't unique to black people, and that not all black people are a part of, yet also makes the jump that all people that think there is a culture that supports those things must be racist bigots.

I just don't get it.

(edit: grammar) (edit: added a few more paragraphs)

[–]stogiethedog -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

The fact that you are confounding Chinese and Korean cultures tells me an actual Chinese or Korean person would probably disagree that your friends are a part of their respective cultures. But that's really a side issue.

People are assuming he meant black culture because the people in the video were black, and because popular "rap culture" isn't even predominantly "ghetto" anymore. Look at the Billboard hip hop charts. Number one is a white Australian woman. Number two toured with Lady Gaga. Number three is a jazz musician, and number four is Pharrell Williams. The biggest name in hip hop in general is Kanye West, who has never done the gangster rap thing.

But even that is largely beside the point. Are gamers and their culture inherently bad because of games like Call of Duty, where you kill people by the dozens? Should cinephiles be shunned because of Quentin Tarrinto and his violent films? Every culture has violent and non-violent media. The fact that they were listening to rap music is irrelevant, it's only brought up because it has an image of being "black music", so it provides a convenient path of criticism with an easy out.

[–]HellsHalfAcre [score hidden]

Are gamers and their culture inherently bad because of games like Call of Duty, where you kill people by the dozens?

how many shootings have you seen at E3 or other video game expos? How many shootings have you see at a Call of Duty tournament? That answers your question.

[–]aussie_jasonOak Forest [score hidden]

Rap != Hip Hop

[–]hewhoovercomes 4 ポイント5 ポイント

:,( I guess he got his feelings hurt.

[–]-YOU-ARE-WRONG- 5 ポイント6 ポイント

He's just some shitty social justice warrior looking for kudos on Tumblr.

[–]munx1er 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Looks like KHOU and Free Press keep an eye on /r/Houston ey. Well how about ya'll do a story on the the thing /r/Houston truly hates, critical mass. I'll even give you permission to use my trade mark, Fuck Critical Mass!™

[–]the_sloppy_JPearland 3 ポイント4 ポイント

"This just in: the racists at /r/Houston also hate people on bikes."

[–]cdlrosaInner Loop 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Next up, mods of /r/houston seriously refuse to bring back editable flair.

[–]IfLooksCouldKill1 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Says in first sentence internet commenters are shit, spends entire article bemoaning internet comments. Pulitzer Prize material right there.

[–]FARTBOX_DESTROYERSpring 5 ポイント6 ポイント

This is not racism. Everything quoted here are observations and beliefs. Racism pertains to the way you treat people. Discrimination and prejudice. This is just bias. I think that's an important distinction.

[–]chlavaty 4 ポイント5 ポイント


[–]imfalliblek 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I have them too.

[–]NuclearWookiee 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Wow, someone went all SJW.

[–]HeDoesntAfraidMontrose 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I agree that every race has its assholes, and I personally think that the root cause is parenting, not race. But when a race, who is 1/7 of our population, causes a majority of crime, no doubt people are going to be prejudice against them.

Bring on the downvotes.

[–]swatkat69 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I think a lot of this is just the usual offensive reddit jokes, that are only supposed to be taken in the context of the internet. We all know on reddit we make the most offensive joke we can think of because we can't get away with it in real life.

That being said there definitely were some crazy racist things like the pro slavery guy

[–]LonghornWelch 2 ポイント3 ポイント

News outlets should not be able to fill their pages with stuff from reddit. Good job, the author picked out some questionably offensive posts out of the countless number of benign /r/houston posts.


[–]Reeko_Htown 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Guess you can't be an undercover racist anywhere now. Must suck for 13 year olds.

[–]DeFactoiddSpring 4 ポイント5 ポイント

Meh, TL; DR, actually, stopped halfway. The writer's full of shit.

[–]Sleepy_One 15 ポイント16 ポイント

He has a good initial point:

You know why people call you a filthy awful racist? Because calling black culture synonymous with violence and ignorance is racist. You’re discriminating by race and making unfounded generalizations about an entire race of people.

But he has difficulty staying on a central point. He's angry, and you can see it in his writing. If he took some time to calm down, he could streamline his thoughts a bit more effectively. He also wildly takes something another person says out of context:

Furthermore, what people like this redditor call “black culture” is the shit that multi-national corporate record companies produce. It’s a bullshit image that sells a lifestyle, an idea, a theoretical paradise full of mocha-skinned women and fast cars and excessive profanity. (Not unlike the “72 virgins” touted by Al-Qaeda propaganda and mainstream beer commercials.)

when really that person was taking a moderate view, here is the full quote:

thug culture is just one facet of black culture that the media has popularized and that some, SOME in the black community have been brainwashed to believe is real black culture or what they should aspire to be. It benefits noone.

He's taking issue with the term Black Culture. Which is a fine position to take, but don't nitpick someone who is trying to argue that the majority of people in the Black community are not thugs.

[–]DeFactoiddSpring 6 ポイント7 ポイント

I also found it to be a bit too much self-indulgent..

[–]genmai_chaSpring -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Meh, indeed.

[–]miked1beMissouri City 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Kind of shitty to leave the usernames visible so he can bring in a hate brigade from elsewhere to go after the people that left these comments. I realize they're posting under their usernames on here but publishing them in a separate article available to the outside world is a shitty thing to do. Kind of like going to another subreddit full of users that share your views and linking to a comment so users can go in and harass the person.

[–]the_toaster_lied 17 ポイント18 ポイント

If you don't want to get harassed for putting stupid shit on the internet, you shouldn't put stupid shit on the internet.

[–]SabinatheBrainSpring Branch 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I think people forget that everything you post on the internet is permanent. Especially pictures... right click; save as

[–]miked1beMissouri City -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

Woah there, tough guy. If you have an issue with what people are saying then speak up and speak your mind. Riling up a bunch of outsiders to come and fight your battle for you like a bunch of middle school kids "going to get their friends" when you piss them off is just sad.

[–]the_toaster_lied 1 ポイント2 ポイント

What if I speak my mind and then link to your comment so that others can see what an idiot you are?

(This is hypothetically speaking of course, I don't know that you're an idiot, and I've never linked to a comment for this purpose)

But just like you think it's shitty that someone would link to your idiotic comment, it's entirely possible for someone to think that your comment was shitty and that you deserve the anonymous berating that you get.

You may think it's sad, but it's entirely possible that someone else thinks it's sad that you take the anonymous forum as a place to spew your unsubstantiated mouth diarrhea.

That's the beautiful thing about an anonymous forum like Reddit. You may think it's shitty that someone else would do this, but that doesn't mean jack shit. I'll do whatever the fuck I want, including berating bigots and assholes, while regardless of what I say, bigots and assholes will continue to do whatever the fuck they want.

[–]miked1beMissouri City -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Sure, people will do what they want, doesn't make it any less of a dick move. I'm not saying this practice should be banned, just that there are better (and more professional) ways of doing things, especially for someone deciding to try to publish their work.

[–]the_toaster_lied 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I agree that maybe there's a better way.

But I have no problem with how this was done. If people don't want their username put somewhere else, they should stick to lurking.

We post on the internet with the understanding that something like this could happen. It's not like he's actually posting identifying information.

And if he is posting identifying information, that's on the original user. Not him. He has every right to use the information, and just because you think it's a "dick move" doesn't mean anything.

What about the magazines that post quotes from specific users? Even if they're in line with your views (or even the magazine's views), why is that better? It's leaving identifying information about an anonymous public account on a very well-known site, which has just as much possibility of drawing unwanted attention as something like this article does.

So I'll go back to my original statement.

If you don't want to get harassed for putting stupid shit on the internet, don't put stupid shit on the internet.

[–]imfalliblek 7 ポイント8 ポイント

I have no problem with people calling out anonymous usernames.

[–]Reddit_Always_RightMidtown 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Except they aren't anonymous.... because they are usernames...

[–]imfalliblek 3 ポイント4 ポイント

LOL. I'll just give Mr or Mrs. Geauxhouston22 a ringy ding, stop by the house or townhome or bridge or penthouse apartment in the sky.

[–]Reddit_Always_RightMidtown 3 ポイント4 ポイント

If you give me 5 minutes, I would be willing to bet I could find out who he is. The word you are looking for is "pseudonymous." A username is tied to a user, and therefore, by definition, is not anonymous. However, if he kept all links to his identity totally obscured then it could be functionally separate from his physical identity.... but still not anonymous.

Banksy is not anonymous... he has a name.

[–]imfalliblek 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Thanks! Some good reading along with that.

[–]throw6539The Heights 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I think what /u/imfalliblek meant is that they're not tied to actual people's names, so calling them out won't lead to a real-life witch hunt.

[–]miked1beMissouri City -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Good for you.

[–]imfalliblek 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Thanks! I'll treasure your support, keep it in my knapsack next to my privilege.

[–]GeauxHouston22Sugar Land 2 ポイント3 ポイント


[–]miked1beMissouri City 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Hah, fair enough.

[–]stogiethedog 0 ポイント1 ポイント

It's certainly not unique to /r/Houston, but yeah, there is a lot of racism here and on reddit as a whole. Those comments from that video weren't even jokes in poor taste or ignorance, they were straight up hate. It's pretty sad to see your neighbors in the community spout such hateful rhetoric and damn an entire group of people because of the actions of a few.

I am a little proud to say I was personally called a SJW just yesterday by one of the all-star posters named in the article.

[–]imfalliblek 1 ポイント2 ポイント

What's a SJW?

[–]poptamalePearland 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Urban Dictionary say Social Justice Warrior...

[–]NuclearWookiee 0 ポイント1 ポイント

[–]imfalliblek 0 ポイント1 ポイント

God bless you, thanks. I can't stop looking. or the feels.

[–]migraine41 [score hidden]

WTF is a slab? And how are they operated?

[–]the_sloppy_JPearland 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Now that this person a bringing attention to /r/Houston, the asshole in me really wants to make racist comments all over the place just to spite them.

[–]VadersVariousCapesSecond Ward -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Maybe we should change the name to /r/WashingtonSt

