July 21, 2014
humans have also lived without running water, electricity, or vaccines for thousands of years

humans have also lived without running water, electricity, or vaccines for thousands of years

7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1M8IsMY
Filed under: post fat 
  1. growthendecaythentransform reblogged this from happiestcarrot
  2. khemical-disengage reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  3. lolivriska-is-my-v8lentine reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    wow okay
  4. aperture-inc said: Also requires a fundamental change to what a “diet” is. If you eat cookies and milk all the time, that’s your diet. If you eat nothing but apples and oranges, that’s your diet.
  5. sigsauer-ist reblogged this from ilacktact and added:
    they’ve also fucking died off in scores for stupid fucking reasons by today’s health standards. get that anti-vaxxer...
  6. the-great-and-terrible-siraj reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    To add to that, people have NOT lived for thousand of years with a stable and overabundance of food to stuff your fat...
  7. shapesatsyracuse reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  8. happiestcarrot reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  9. kingmelanie reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    For most of those 200,000 years they didn’t have fast food and Cheetos and cupcakes they didn’t need to fucking diet
  10. hahaimusingtheinternetz reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    "EAT FOOD to stay alive" Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Diabeetus?
  11. ilacktact reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  12. rouselia reblogged this from aisupiupau
  13. araindemon said: What the hell is happening with the upper half of that person. It’s all types of what the fuck is that.
  14. galgalgo reblogged this from klokateercatlady
  15. grassinc reblogged this from klokateercatlady
  16. likewaterfor-chocolate reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  17. aisupiupau reblogged this from klokateercatlady
  18. judal-is-my-spirit-animal reblogged this from klokateercatlady and added:
    Whoever made this picture: Fuck you, not diets. If you want to kill yourself slowly, fine, but don’t encourage other...
  19. klokateercatlady reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    And humans used to be less sedentary and didn’t consume so much junk. This ‘happy being fat’ is extremely damaging.
  20. maximum-soccer-revenge reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    They also moved around a lot, also known as exercise.
  21. maximumexpansion reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  22. wtfsocialjustice posted this