alex-apocalyptic asked
I'm not here to rile anything up. But I'm just asking, you understand that children and teens are still developing and their brains aren't fully functioning yet? Like that's what puberty is. I'm 16 and on estrogen and I sometimes can't control my emotions and it's frustrating. So when your parents tell uou to do something or not do something it's for your own good while you're still developing. Most parents love their kids more than anything. They aren't disrespecting them by trying to help-

Not everything adults do is evil, but evil things adults do are defended by society. Also, most people already believe that everything parents do is for their children’s own good, and there’s no reason for us to go out of our way to defend beliefs that are already popular.

It really makes me sad to see teenagers trying to talk to their parent(s) about something that they feel strongly about or tell their parent(s) something important/something they want them to know, but their parent(s), without trying to understand or support them, lash out and get angry, and two days later wonder why their child doesn’t feel comfortable talking to them about their personal life.






I said “have a nice day!” to this old dude and apparently that’s not fucking good enough because he retrieved his wallet and from like a stack of 30 of these things pulled one out and gave it to me and said something like “I hope you reconsider your choices next time”

holy shit

This is the most self entitled shit i’ve seen all day

what the fUCK

Actually, he has a pretty valid point. If you’re going to address a person of a significant age difference, you shouldn’t use the same tone or word phrases you would with your friends or (if you don’t have any friends) your peers. It is considered rude among many people. Business greetings are no exception unless explicitly stated or expected, such as in themed restaurants where the point is to insult you as a part of their service to you.
I think I might make my own cards like these. Hm… Yes. I’m making etiquette cards now.

I have to be careful how I say this, since anti-elderly bigotry is also an issue. But someone being older than you doesn’t mean that they’re your “superiors”. Most workplaces have bosses and managers that are younger than some of their employees, and people certainly don’t need to treat older older as their “betters” if the latter are complete dicks to them.
~ Feminist Rocker






I said “have a nice day!” to this old dude and apparently that’s not fucking good enough because he retrieved his wallet and from like a stack of 30 of these things pulled one out and gave it to me and said something like “I hope you reconsider your choices next time”

holy shit

This is the most self entitled shit i’ve seen all day

what the fUCK

Actually, he has a pretty valid point. If you’re going to address a person of a significant age difference, you shouldn’t use the same tone or word phrases you would with your friends or (if you don’t have any friends) your peers. It is considered rude among many people. Business greetings are no exception unless explicitly stated or expected, such as in themed restaurants where the point is to insult you as a part of their service to you.

I think I might make my own cards like these. Hm… Yes. I’m making etiquette cards now.

I have to be careful how I say this, since anti-elderly bigotry is also an issue. But someone being older than you doesn’t mean that they’re your “superiors”. Most workplaces have bosses and managers that are younger than some of their employees, and people certainly don’t need to treat older older as their “betters” if the latter are complete dicks to them.

~ Feminist Rocker




Remember CISPA? It’s back with a brand new name (CISA):

CISA is an even more toxic bill than the original CISPA bill. CISA stays in line with the original objective of the CISPA bill to strengthen and legitimize the NSA’s surveillance programs. But this time the bill would allow for and encourage sweeping datamining taps on Internet users for the undefined purpose of domestic “cybersecurity”. The NSA would be able to share this data with police and other law enforcement agencies for domestic “cybersecurity” purposes — meaning these powers will be used against innocent citizens.

Here’s a petition you can sign to oppose this terrible bill—we’ve stopped it before, and we can stop it again.

Here we go again

It only asks for your email, and then offers to let you share to Facebook or Twitter. You don’t have to be from a particular country to sign it.




Remember CISPA? It’s back with a brand new name (CISA):

CISA is an even more toxic bill than the original CISPA bill. CISA stays in line with the original objective of the CISPA bill to strengthen and legitimize the NSA’s surveillance programs. But this time the bill would allow for and encourage sweeping datamining taps on Internet users for the undefined purpose of domestic “cybersecurity”. The NSA would be able to share this data with police and other law enforcement agencies for domestic “cybersecurity” purposes — meaning these powers will be used against innocent citizens.

Here’s a petition you can sign to oppose this terrible bill—we’ve stopped it before, and we can stop it again.

Here we go again


It only asks for your email, and then offers to let you share to Facebook or Twitter. You don’t have to be from a particular country to sign it.



Anderson Cooper speaks to Texas State Representative Bryan Hughes, Republican Party. 

"It`s not being forced on anyone"

Bullshit it isn`t. What if a bunch of homophobic parents force a minor to this `therapy`? do they have the right to say no? They should, but I doubt that no would be respected in most cases.

Oh, but see, kids don’t count. Kids don’t have sapience, or even sentience, until they reach the magic number of 18.</sarcasm>

blooddrunk-nymphetamine asked
You publish fan mail? My question is too long to be sent in normal ask.

I don’t know if fan mail can be published. Use a submission

blooddrunk-nymphetamine asked
I'm almost 18 years old and my mother still enters my room without knocking. I've asked her to knock the door but she gets mad because "she is my mother". Adult privilege is getting your privacy respected and being treated as an individual.

Even with all the excuses for invading your children’s privacy, I can’t think of any possible reason for this.


It bothers me that the intelligence of animals is measured by how willing they are to obey the commands of a human.

same goes for students at schools

I just realized how fucked up that is wow. 

(Source: a-puckish-rogue)


Today I saw a dude try to physically remove a teenage girl from the disabled seating on the train, complaining about his weak ankles and hypertension and how pathetic and discourteous youth were.

She literally threw her prosthetic leg at him.

Sounds like a definite mixture of ageism and ableism - and I wouldn’t be surprised if sexism was also involved here.

Maybe if parents actually told their kid why they want/don’t want them to do something their kid wouldn’t be following others blindly.

I asked my parents why it wasn’t okay to swear around them and it became a huge argument about respect. They even said themselves that I shouldn’t have to ask them why. They literally told me not to ask for reasoning behind what they ask of me. What did I learn? That my parents weren’t trying to teach me to be smart and knowledgeable, they were trying to keep me in line and make sure I follow their every order. And I keep this information in the back of my mind every time I talk to them.

They did the same thing in a subtle way when I told them I was teaching myself to be better at math.

If your kid asks for a reason behind something you said, tell them. They aren’t questioning what you’re saying, they’re becoming smarter and they want answers.

Also; don’t be an ass to your kids or insult them. Just don’t do it. It isn’t the insult that hurts, it’s the fact that your own parents would say something like that to me. I’ll talk more on this in a different submission.

If there’s a reason, they’d want you to know it. If they get angry when you ask for a reason, they’re admitting that there is no reason.