I am She

Ask me anything   Human. Dark Skin. Owns a pair of Ovaries. Womanist. Christian. Writer. Humanist. Vegan. Learner. Student. Likes Clothes. Likes Books. Loves Herself. Still waiting for my Hogwarts Letter.

On a journey of finding myself a mirror in society.

We hosted a discussion on race at my uni and this white girl started to talk and she said that she has black friends and she doesn’t even notice  color but she finds it beautiful (even though she had just said that at first she had found it to be strange). Then she went on to say that white men use to rape black women because they found them to be beautiful and it was a compliment.

I was so stunned that I couldn’t even say anything. I just had to sit still in a corner and fan myself to keep my utter outrage inside. 

I wish that I could of had the opportunity to educate her privileged and ignorant mind. 

— 12 hours ago
#racism  #privilege  #ignorance  #i can't even