Jul 18, 2014
8 notes
unicorninabottle asked: I'm a white, middle class, heterosexual female who is NOT a "radical" feminist. Feminism is about EQUALITY and not hating on men. Why do you identify yourself as a radical feminist anyway?


Feminism was and is about female liberation, not equality. Feminism has never been about equality until the new, gender-worshipping, porn-supporting and male-inclusive ~feminism~ arrived very recently.

If you are so concerned about not hating men, moreso than you are about women who might have pretty good reasons for hating them (people hate spiders for no reason whatsoever yet when a woman hates and/or fears men because of rape, murder, abuse and whatnot, that’s so completely unacceptable that you won’t even talk to them) then it’s not really feminism, is it. Have you ever tried to not center yourself around or cater to males, even for just a second? It’s a very hard thing to achieve, as women are taught to always prioritise men and their feelings in everything, including feminism. I mean it.

But I promise you, it’s worth it and you get a whole new perspective and you see men’s true colours, and really, the world’s true colours. I know that it’s really hard, trust me, and the knee-jerk response to always defend men and twist their actions into acceptable or excusable - I still haven’t fully got rid of those. I know that you really dislike us for not appealing to men, and I know why, but do know that we have nothing against you and we know exactly what you’re feeling because just about all of us radical feminists have been in the same situation as you.

I mean, you felt the need to messge us because you felt it like some kind of personal attack that we don’t cater to men (i.e we hate men, because according to men, whenever a woman isn’t pleasing him, she’s hating him). Did you think about why you felt the need to do this?

Next time you write to us, please have an actual question. Read the Read me page.

- Vixen

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    Ok.This woman really has no idea what the word feminism means.Sigh.I’m sorry, I usually don’t do this, but this is...
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