would you look at this? look at the kind of bullshit people go on about when they’re asked for the difference between bisexual and pansexual? look how transphobic this shit is
fucking appalling
I wouldn’t really count that as trans phobic, more as ignorance
"male, female, and trans" is about as transphobic as it gets thanks
Okay I guess you don’t know how to read or something? I said that I as in I as in NOT YOU, would count it as ignorance. K? So I don’t need you being rude like “ITS AS TRANSPHOBIC AS IT GETS. THANKS”
yeah well if you don’t think that’s transphobic then you’re fucking wrong
pretty sure my opinion matters slightly more than yours, as a trans person and all
keep your opinions to yourself if you don’t want them to be commented on
your opinion doesn’t mean anymore than anybody else’s, actually. I didn’t see it as transphobic cause they were just beyond ignorant, like the girl even said she thought that’s what it meant. It isn’t transphobia cause it isn’t a damn phobia it’s just straight up ignorance that people need to be educated about
yes because the working definition of transphobia is a literal phobia, much like homophobes are literally terrified of gay people
transphobia ENTAILS ignorance and bigotry, which is EXACTLY what was being displayed
you’re a moron
get the fuck off my blog
actually you’re the moron, transphobia is the and the actual definition is the prejudice or extreme hatred of trans people. you’re just some blogger looking to gain attention as a SJW. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day helping the world by spending all your time online in an effort to spread your wrong information
lmao you just said that transphobia is an actual fear so. thanks for admitting you’re wrong, at least.
Hi. Bisexuality: Being attracted to men and women(Trans or not) but seeing gender the same way hetero and homo people do.
Pansexuality: Being attracted to men, women, and everything/one in between(Because this discussion somehow always leaves out genderqueer folk) AND not seeing gender as really a factor.
You’re welcome.
you’re wrong. go away and take your lies with you
I apologize, however, You’re being an ass. You could’ve told me why I’m wrong(Which a much more polite person already has) as opposed to simply telling me to go away.
Thank you for nothing.
my being an ass doesn’t make you any less wrong
I recognize that, however, you are being perfectly unproductive in the education of society. Telling people to go away who don’t understand/have never been taught differently(I honestly haven’t had anyone object to that definition before, I’m glad it was pointed out to me by people who actually explained why it was wrong) Won’t help, it’ll only hurt your cause by making hate you.
So, yeah, I’m very sorry i was wrong and I’m very happy that I was corrected, however, while i am terribly sorry i contributed to oppression and hurt you as a person, I think the world would be in a much better shape if people were actually EDUCATED as opposed to being yelled at.
(And if you start calling me a cishet piece of shit we will have serious problems, because A) I’m a poly pansexual homoromantic and B) I have no idea what the fuck my gender is, but it sure as hell ain’t anything close to binary)
*Edit* I also see you’re a 23-year-old, a grown-ass fucking adult, telling a 13 year old that because she didn’t know something that’s actually not explained very often she should just go away. As i said before, I’m sorry i offended you and will fix my behavior.
you comment on a post where bisexuals are discussing bisexuality with a false definition of our sexuality and end it with a smart arse “you’re welcome” and when you’re called out you play the victim? right whatever
you comment on a post where bisexuals are discussing bisexuality with a false definition of our sexuality and end it...
I recognize that, however, you are being perfectly unproductive in the education of society. Telling people to go away...
Please stop using the so called difference between pan and bi to tar all bis as transphobic. People can use whatever...
Hi I know I’m late to the party, but JSYK, void-within-stars-and-light, the bisexual community (of which I am a member)...
no. bisexuals are attracted to people whose gender is both THE SAME and DIFFERENT from their own. could be as little as...
Yes. Trans are not ‘other’.