i think a really big issue that’s been going down in the otherkin community is that some kin out there are saying that some other kintypes aren’t real. this is happening within the community, which makes it a lot worse.
so please, to every otherkin out there who is policing others kin identities, don’t do this. we all have enough hate coming from the outside. and so many kin folk who have ‘unpopular’ kin types (i.e. kin types associated with inanimate objects) need even more support, because their identity is doubted even more than us with the more ‘popular’ kin types (i.e. foxkins, dragonkins). it is so important that we all not only stick up for each other, but also support one another. if someone has a kintype you’re confused on, try and ask politely for them to explain. more than likely they’ll be happy to, and you’ll gain another kin buddy! if they don’t feel comfortable explaining, respect that, and respect their identity as well. it is as valid as yours.
so please, let’s quit this invalidization of everyone’s kintypes within the community. once we are able to work together within, we can all help to stop the hate coming from the outside. we may identify with/as different things, but there’s one thing we all have in common. we are all otherkin, and we are all equally important.

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    I will be the first to admit. Some kin types make me vaguely uncomfortable. Mostly because I am just now poking my nose...
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