Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme





Classic. Just classic.

No matter how funny these are, it never hurts to have a reminder that a lot of the guys who send this type of text can be pretty awful people and not just clueless idiots unaware of how they sound.


Shhhhhhhh. No. Stop talking.

  1. ollypoptart reblogged this from darth-spacemarine-tater
  2. darth-spacemarine-tater reblogged this from i-dont-need-feminism
  3. broken-sylph reblogged this from i-dont-need-feminism
  4. omarleaupentz reblogged this from i-dont-need-feminism
  5. davachio reblogged this from intestinalfortitude and added:
    lol did this bitch seriously just post herself getting owned? For what purpose?
  6. iggysbunny3 reblogged this from i-dont-need-feminism
  7. youroldladysgotworms reblogged this from i-dont-need-feminism and added:
    This is fucking golden. He isn’t even white and is clearly stating that what she’s doing is racist and she’s just wrong,...
  8. intestinalfortitude reblogged this from i-dont-need-feminism and added:
    Pasting that link to “whiteboysexting” is like a hood rat shouting WHURL STAH
  9. i-dont-need-feminism reblogged this from nicolegeenen
  10. okayluiss reblogged this from straightwhiteboystexting and added:
    defensive straight males in a nut shell
  11. margopolio reblogged this from straightwhiteboystexting
  12. princess-b1rd reblogged this from straightwhiteboystexting
  13. ionlywakeupwhenisleep reblogged this from straightwhiteboystexting
  14. idealistic-freedom reblogged this from straightwhiteboystexting and added:
    honestly the dude won that argument
  15. ogodlul reblogged this from nicolegeenen