SugarCoatedMango, glowcloud: thedorkiestviking: glowcloud: "im...
Posted 1 week ago | Reblog | 5933 Notes




"im pro social justice but anti sjw" ah yes so the social problems are bad, but the people who are experiencing those problems, those people really need to shut the fuck up

you do know sjw usually refers to those who bully & send death threats, right?

that is a common misconception but actually it usually refers to whichever oppressed/minority group your average shitty socially liberal fiscally conservative reddit geekboy cares the least about (aka, all of them)

i.e. white man talking about liberal opinons on the internet = a gentleman whose stance should be respected, woman of color using any sort of anti-oppression rhetoric whatsoever = irrational angry social justice warrior

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  15. thederpderpmonkey reblogged this from justiceleagueforjustice and added:
    I don’t think they know Nazis exist.
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  19. justiceleagueforjustice reblogged this from videogamevillainsforjustice and added:
    i’ve only seen ant-sjw and real social justice blogs even bother with nazis. guess sjws were to busy sucking their own...
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  22. videogamevillainsforjustice reblogged this from pro-sj-anti-sjw and added:
    Exactly. I don’t see SJWs calling out Nazis nearly as much as I see anti-SJWs doing it.—Ghaleon
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